FAI census The Places of the Heart, together we can save them

| Abbeys, monasteries  Environment  Archaeology  Alpine Architecture  Modern architecture  Traditional architecture  Religious Art  Baroque in Susa Valley  Frescoed cycles  Museums collections  Material culture  From the Neo-Gothic to the Liberty  Fortifications  Parish churches  Romanico in Valle di Susa  Sistema Museale Diocesano  Siti Rete Ecologica Natura 2000 

10th edition of FAI census "The Places of the heart" from May 6 to December 15.

FAI invites all citizens, in small villages and large cities, in lesser-known and most well-known countries, in Italy but also abroad, to vote for the Italian places they love most and would like to see protected and valued.


1. www.iluoghidelcuore.it website. 

2. Vote collection forms dedicated to each place of the heart, downloadable from the site www.iluoghidelcuore.it