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News • 5 results

27th Valsusa Filmfest film competition: registrations are open! , Jan. 19, 2023

The ANNOUNCEMENT OF COMPETITION for the 27th Valsusa Filmfest, the "And yet the wind still blows" community film and cultural festival is online.

The film competition is divided into four sections: Short Films, Free Productions, Making Memory and The Alps ...

Online the Valsusa Filmfest competition notice , Jan. 17, 2022

Dopo due anni di pausa, torna il concorso cinematografico del Valsusa Filmfest, festival poliartistico sui temi della memoria storica, della montagna e dell'ambiente che da 26 anni anima un territorio aperto all'incontro e al confronto culturale attraverso concorsi cinematografici e ...

Online the competition notice of Valsusa Filmfest, Jan. 9, 2019

New film competition of Valsusa Filmfest, polyarchistic festival about the themes of historical memory, the mountain and the environment.

Information: www.valsusafilmfest.it.

Literary competition "La Romanza del Riccio", April 20, 2016

3th edition of literary competition La Romanza del Riccio”, dedicated to to short stories and comics. 

The title - to free interpretation - this year is "Water". 

Literary contest "Dino Ariasetto", Jan. 8, 2016

5th edition of the fiction and poetry contest “Dino Ariasetto”.