Abbey castle
The castle of Sant'Ambrogio of Turin stands near the splendid mule track which from the historic center of the town …
The castle of Sant'Ambrogio of Turin stands near the splendid mule track which from the historic center of the town …
Almese is a town of about 6 thousand inhabitants, located at the entrance of the Susa Valley along the slopes …
The Bruzolo forge, one of the oldest in Piedmont, dates back to 1282. It remained active until 1720 and was …
Susa, an ancient Celtic city, became a strategic point along the Via delle Gallie after the Roman conquest. Important remains …
In the Archaeological Museum of the Abbey you can admire objects and archaeological remains discovered during the archaeological excavations between …
Il sito nella media Val Susa si estende su due rilievi collinari tra i comuni di Gravere, Meana di Susa …
The "Bear Dance" in Mompantero is a traditional alpine festival linked to the celebration of Saint Brigid. The festival includes …
Novalesa Abbey was founded in 726 and was one of the beacons of culture in the Carolingian period. The chapel …
The Bramafam Fort of Bardonecchia, once an important fortification, was reduced to ruins after the conflict. Thanks to the Association …
During the celebrations for San Costanzo in Meana, two large conifer branches called "bran" are carried in procession by the …
The embattled structure called “Casaforte” is an example of medieval architecture (XIV-XV century) which belonged to the local nobility.
Caselette is located along the morainic relief at the foot of Mount Musinè, at the entrance to the Susa valley, …
The castle of Avigliana, built in 942 by Arduino Glabrione, Marquis of Turin, saw development but faced destruction. It was …
The Castle of Adelaide hosts the archaeological path of the ancient Roman fortification discovered during the last restoration work. The …
The remains of a castle on a hill near Dora Riparia and the Sessi stream between Caprie and Condove could …
The abbey church of San Giusto di Susa, now a cathedral, was consecrated in 1027. In 1029, a Benedictine monastery …
The S.I.C. it occupies the hydrographic right of the Ripa stream, in the valley that rises from Cesana to Bousson, …
Il santo patrono di Millaures, S. Andrea Apostolo, è celebrato il 30 novembre. Ogni anno vengono eletti i priori per …
The chapel of the Annunciation is located in the village of Oulme. On the outside it presents a painted monumental …
The Coignet Chapel, built before 1496 and expanded in the 16th century, is located in Bardonecchia, with external and internal …
The chapel is located in Foresto, Bussoleno, in an area called della Posta. It features frescoes dedicated to the Virgin …
The chapel of San Grato alla Rocca offers a panoramic view with restored 18th-century frescoes. Located on a hill, it …
The chapel of SS. Andrea and Giacomo of Horres, near Millaures, is located in a dominant position over the Bardonecchia …
The origins of the chapel of San Bernardo at Constans date back to the late fourteenth or early fifteenth century, …
Inside the chapel there are four frescoed panels dating back to 1400 and depicting St. Sebastian, the Madonna with the …
The chapel of St. Lawrence in San Giorio di Susa dates to 1328.
Inside the chapel of San Pancrazio you can admire some frescoes dating to the fifteenth and sixteenth Century depicting the …
The chapel’s interior and exterior frescos dates to late 15th Century and depict the Last Judgment, the Annunciation, St. Anthony …
The chapel of Ramats in Chiomonte is a historic building with frescoes from the 14th-17th century. It depicts the life …
The Chapel of St. Sixtus, located at Pian del Colle near Melezet, was built at the end of the 15th …
The reconstruction of the parish church of Novalesa involved the demolition of the chapel of the Disciplinants of the Blessed …
The "Charintel" is part of the Ramats tradition, similar to the Christmas tree. It is decorated with ribbons and crepe …
The Carthusian monks settled in the area of Losa, near Gravere, in 1189, then moved in 1200 to Montebenedetto. The …
The Carthusian monks came to Montebenedetto in 1200 and remained there until 1493, when they moved to Banda because of …
Chiomonte has ancient origins, with settlements in different places due to landslides. Historically linked to the Savoys and the Counts …
Built around the 12th century, the church dedicated to San Bartolomeo is located on a glacial circle dating back to …
The Chapel of Saint Catherine near the Beraud Palace is located in the area previously occupied by the hospital of …
The 18th-century church of San Pietro in Condove has a rich history: built in 1755 on a previous chapel, it …
The parish church of Rochemolles, mentioned in documents as early as 1296, was completely rebuilt between 1452 and 1456. It …
The Church of San Giovanni, erected in 1324, boasts numerous sacred artworks including frescoes and paintings by various renowned artists. …
The Church of San Pietro, located near the homonymous village, is connected by a staircase and surrounded by the ancient …
San Restituto is located in a isolated position, in the meadows in a position practically equidistant from Sauze di Cesana, Champlas …
The origins of the Church of S. Maria Maggiore are uncertain, located in the Old Village of Avigliana. It features …
The parish church of Sant'Antonio Abate in Melezet, originally built in 1487 and rebuilt in 1694 after a fire, features …
The Church of Sant'Agostino, located near the city hospital on Monte Piocchetto, dates back to around 1470 as an Augustinian …
The Civic Museum in Bardonecchia collects on two floors the testimonies of the material culture of the old mountain village, …
Claviere, the first Italian municipality on the border with France, has an ancient history linked to the Via Francigena and …
The Col Basset xerothermal oasis extends over an area of 267 between 2100 m and 2700 m, delimited by Monte …
The Col forge dates back to the 18th century, transformed to work with iron in the 19th century. It belonged …
An itinerary that from the Gran Bosco Park takes into the village and includes: the water mill, the public oven …
The site includes the southeastern slope of Monte Rocciamelone, one of the highest peaks of the Graian Alps. It stretches …
The church and convent of San Francesco of Susa, built from the second quarter of the 13th Century, shows evidence of …
The museum reconstructs the life of the past in Chiusa, using tools, materials, and the memory of the citizens.
In the Susa Valley, the sword dance survives in the villages of Giaglione, Venaus, and San Giorio during the processions …
In the Susa Valley, the sword dance survives in the towns of Giaglione, Venaus and San Giorio, where the spadonari …
In Venaus people dance on the day of San Biagio and Sant'Agata (from 3 to 5 February). The spadonari attend …
The Hotel Dieu or Maison Dieu of Salbertrand is an ancient shelter for pilgrims located in Salbertrand, along what was …
The Diocesan Museum is the headquarters of the Diocesan Museum System of Susa. Its collections display works of art dating …
The Ecomuseum “Lands at the border” illustrates the daily life and environment of the Moncenisio area and Val Cenischia. The …
The Museum of the Resistance of the Colle del Lys provides the opportunity to take self-guided trails along the paths …
The Museum of Local Tradition of Avigliana, created with the collaboration of the Municipality and the association La Famija ed …
The Museum of Ancient Crafts at the Castle of Chianocco showcases traditional trades from the past, with sections dedicated to …
At the ancient oven of Fenils, a hamlet of Cesana Torinese, an ethnographic museum has been created with tools from …
The ethnographic museum of Novalesa, located in the vicinity of the church, narrates through working tools, furnishing and other daily …
In Bruzolo, in the hamlet of Bigiardi, there is a Museum that preserves the memory of the mountain hamlets of …
This alpine fortification unique for its architecture, dominating the town of Exilles from a cliff, was remodeled several times through …
The ruins of a unique building are visible in the chapel of San Giuseppe, in Chiusa San Michele. The building …
In the heart of the Susa Valley, the Convent of San Francesco, known as the Certosa, stands halfway to the …
The G. A. Levis Art Gallery is located in the sixteenth-century Paleologo palace of Chiomonte, now home to the works …
On the slopes of Mount Genevris, in the Richardet area (Sauze d'Oulx), numerous ex-voto vases from the Roman era dedicated …
The Messa valley, 'U'-shaped due to glacial and fluvial action, hosts the picturesque Goja del Pis, with a lake and …
A Sestriere, nella frazione di Champlas du Col, veniva messo in scena uno storico carnevale che vedeva protagonista un corteo …
Ancient hostelry dating XIV century with family crests from the Savoy family and European principalities painted on the facade, to …
After a long restoration, the museum site was inaugurated on January 2, 2016. The building, of unknown origin, features sculptural …
Vittorio Amedeo II, as a child (1666-1732), is depicted with the court in front of the Shroud, surrounded by cardinals …
The Ethnographic Museum Gente di Montagna of Condove is located in the former municipality of Mocchie; it illustrates the ancient …
Rubiana and the Messa Valley became vacation spots for upper-class families in 1900. Hotels like Villa Irma were meeting places, …
The village developed in the 11th century along the ancient Via di Francia, assuming the role of administrative and economic …
The Rugèt Mine is located upstream of the Arnodera hamlet and it preserves important historical evidence, combined with geological and …
The La Torre and Duchi d'Aosta hotels, designed by Bonadé Bottino between 1932 and 1934, became symbols of the nascent …
In Sauze d'Oulx, the architect Gino Levi Montalcini built the Maroc and Ballerini villas in 1947, now destroyed and more …
Mount Caprasio, now Rocca Sella, is located at the entrance to the Susa Valley and is considered sacred because Saint …
Rocciamelone, the sacred mountain of Susa Valley, reaches an altitude of 3538 meters. The name might derive from the Celtic …
Mount Tabor is a sacred mountain with a chapel dedicated to the Sorrowful Virgin, a pilgrimage destination for centuries. Its …
At the gates of the Susa Valley, Avigliana is one of the most authentic medieval villages in the Piedmont area. …
Bardonecchia extends into the vast basin at the confluence of the Rochemolles, Rho, Valle Stretta and Frejus valleys at 1312 …
The town appears to be among the properties mentioned in 1029 by Olderico Manfredi and even earlier by Abbone, founder …
The castle of Brosoliae, dating back to 739, became the residence of the Bertrandi family starting from 1227. The castle …
Bussoleno is located in the middle Susa Valley and has ancient origins with settlements along the Ancient Road of France. …
Caprie, located near the Dora and Mount Caprasio, boasts ancient origins with archaeological finds and a history linked to the …
The text describes the history and characteristics of Cesana, an Italian municipality located in the valley dominated by mountains and …
Chiusa San Michele is located at the foot of Mount Pirchiriano, home to the Sacra di San Michele. The village …
The municipality of Condove extends along the northern valley between the Gravio and Sessi stream, characterized by over 70 villages. …
The town of Exilles, located near the Montgenèvre pass, has Roman origins and is characterized by the presence of the …
Giaglione is located in a dominant position above Susa, a fundamental connection point with various roads and mountain passes. Local …
Gravere is a small municipality located on the banks of the Dora River, upstream from Susa, towards the Monginevro. It …
The settlement of Mattie consists of numerous hamlets scattered along the right side of the Dora between Bussoleno and Susa. …
Meana is located along the road leading to the Colle delle Finestre, connecting the Susa Valley and the Chisone Valley. …
Mompantero is a small municipality located on the left bank of the Dora, where the Cenischia stream from the valley …
Moncenisio, or better known as Ferrera, is one of the smallest municipalities in Italy and the Susa Valley, hanging from …
The village of Novalesa, tied to the millenary abbey of Saints Peter and Andrew and the Moncenisio pass, had a …
Oulx is an ancient center rich in history located along the route between the Rhone plain and the Po plain, …
Rubiana, surrounded by mountains and forests in the Messa valley, became a vacation destination for Turin residents in the 19th …
The municipality, mentioned in documents from the 11th century, developed thanks to the crossing of the Ancient Road of France, …
Small municipality in the lower Susa Valley, it was an ancient feudal possession of the viscounts of Baratonia and then …
San Giorio, located on the right bank of the Dora Riparia, was an important fiefdom of the Bertrandi of Montmelian …
The birth and development of the village of S. Ambrogio were closely linked to the events of the monastery of …
After passing through the town of Cesana, the characteristic municipality of Sauze di Cesana unfolds, documented since the 11th century …
Sauze d'Oulx is a renowned tourist destination for winter sports, located between the Triplex, Bourget, and Genevris mountains. The presence …
The Municipality of Sestriere, located between the Val Chisone and the Susa Valley, has relatively recent origins, having been founded …
S. Antonino is located on the right bank of the Dora River and its main center developed around the Via …
Susa, formerly known as Segusio, is a millennia-old city strategically located in the Susa Valley. Founded around the 1st century …
Vaie is an ancient mountain village with a communal nucleus dating back to the Neolithic age, as evidenced by the …
The vast territory of Villar Focchiardo extends on the right bank of the Dora, encompassing a flat area and a …
The Museum of Religious Alpine Art of Giaglione, located at the parish house, preserves important works of sculpture dating from …
The Museum of Religious Alpine Art of Novalesa includes the chapel of the Holy Sacrament and the parish church of …
The Museum of Alpine Religious Art in Bardonecchia was conceived by Don Francesco Masset, parish priest of Melezet and Les …
Since January 1, 2012, the Natural Parks of the Lakes of Avigliana, Orsiera Rocciavrè, Gran Bosco di Salbertrand, and Val …
The Nobel Dynamite Factory, an example of early 20th-century industrial archaeology, was built in 1873 in Avigliana. Equipped with a …
Since 2012, the Natural Parks of the Lakes of Avigliana, Orsiera Rocciavrè, Gran Bosco di Salbertrand, and Val Troncea have …
The parish church of San Didero, probably built in the 13th-14th century and rebuilt in the 18th century, has a …
The church retains outside cycles representing the Vices and Virtues and the Pity, while in the aisles it hosts scenes …
The parish church of San Giovanni Battista in Sauze d'Oulx was built around the 1530s. It has a simple façade …
The parish church of San Giovanni Vincenzo, with origins in the 11th century, is part of the ancient complex dependent …
The parish church of Santa Maria Assunta of Oulx, located near the Delfinale Tower, dates back to 1050-1061 with several …
The building is one of the oldest in the Susa Valley and one of the few with a crypt dating …
The church of Sant'Antonino di Susa was built in the 11th century and belonged to the Augustinian monks. Over the …
The Church of Novalesa, in the heart of the village, has origins in the 13th century, but the current building …
The church, built starting from 1451, still preserves the majority of its original architectures.
The parish church of Santa Maria Assunta was built between 1717 and 1735 on land located at the top of …
Pirchiriano mount, placed as sentinel of the Susa Valley, is famous for hosting, on its summit, one of the most …
The Precettory of St. Anthony of Ranverso is a hospital complex founded in 1188 by the canons of the Order …
In the old town of Vaie, the museum displays a collection of reconstructions, molds and tools from the finds of …
The Museum located at the former Moncenisio Workshops at 19 Via Torino showcases a unique collection of memorabilia, historical artifacts, …
The Argentera valley offers a suggestive landscape with pastures, ridges, mountain pastures and frozen waterfalls in winter frequented by climbing …
In the hamlet of San Valeriano, near Borgone, there is a namesake chapel in Romanesque style with a fresco of …
The Romanesque Church of San Rocco is an ancient building with an attached cemetery, built in the 12th century. It …
La villa romana di Almese è situata a Grange di Rivera, risalente probabilmente al I secolo d.c.
Il complesso era …
The rural villa of Caselette, dating back to the Roman era, is located in Pian, on the eastern slopes of …
The abbey of St. Michael at the Locks was founded in 983-987. The present building dates to the 11th-14th Century …
In the Susa Valley, popular traditions preserve pagan rites assimilated by Christianity. Devotion to Saint John the Baptist is widespread, …
The Sanctuary of the Madonna dei Laghi, near Avigliana on the Great Lake, was built between 1622 and 1642. Originally …
Author: Secondo del Bosco di Poirino
Object: Painting
Subject: Assumption
Chronology: 1505
Matter and technique: Fresco
Location: Church of Sacra di San …
Unknown author of the 18th century created a print on silk of Blessed Amadeus of Savoy with Saints and the …
Our Lady of Sorrows, with a heart pierced by swords, is at the center of the scene. On its sides …
A bishop, placed at the center of the scene, exposes the Shroud helped to support it by four saints, two …
Located on the corner end of the arcades of Via Palazzo di Città, this fresco depicts the sacred sheet supported …
The scene represents a Virgin Assumed into Heaven, on a mantle of white clouds, surrounded by angels and cherubs holding …
The painting of the Deposition from the Cross, by an unknown author and dating back to the early 17th century, …
Located at the end of the left nave of the Cathedral of San Giusto, the canvas, dated 1723, shows in …
The fresco depicts Saint Veronica with the cloth bearing the imprint of Jesus' face on a stone pedestal. The subject …
On the apse vault of the Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows, a fresco shows a Shroud held up by …
The figure of Christ of Sorrow is depicted on the southern wall of the presbytery of the abbey church of …
The Borello Lake, a natural site of only 83 hectares, represents a valuable wetland on the slopes of Cotolivier, linked …
The site is located in the Val Clarea, predominantly represented by beech forest formations with yew and holly in the …
The xerothermic oasis Oulx-Amazas, adjacent to Lake Borello, stretches along the eastern slopes of Mount Cotolivier, offering a habitat for …
The Xerothermic Oasis of Oulx - Auberge is located on the left side of the Dora of Bardonecchia between the …
The pine forest along the course of the Dora in Bardonecchia is appreciated for its cross-country skiing track and the …
The ZSC Monti della Luna is divided into two areas: one above Bousson and the other from France to the …
The ZSC Les Arnauds - Punta Quattro Sorelle is located in Bardonecchia and includes an alpine area with dolomitic peaks, …
The summit of Mount Chaberton, with its peak at 3130 meters, dominates the Cesana basin and hosts military fortifications. Since …
The ZSC Val Fredda extends over 1686 hectares in the Rochemolles Valley, with a high mountain environment rich in rare …
The site extends over a vast area on the right side of the Thuras stream, with stunning landscapes and a …
The natural site of the Piemonte region extends over 1524 hectares and includes various areas such as Monte Musinè, the …
The Orrido di Chianocco Reserve is located in Chianocco, in Piedmont, with the aim of protecting the spontaneous holm oak …
The Orrido di Foresto Reserve protects the cade juniper over an area of 200 hectares in Bussoleno and Susa, with …
In the Malano hamlet of Avigliana, the location of the "Statio ad fines", a site for the collection of the …
The building of the former primary school houses at its groundfloor the common woodfired oven, two manually operated fire pumps …
Silk print of Blessed Amadeus of Savoy with Saints and the Holy Shroud, early 18th century. The delicate composition shows …
The Chaffaux Chapel, dedicated to Saint Mary Magdalene and Saint Catherine of Alexandria, dates back to the first half of …
On the Southern side of the Susa Valley extending from 1.000 to 2.600 meters above sea level, the Park encompasses …
In the municipality of Borgone di Susa, about 40 km from Turin, there is a monument known as "the Maometto", …
The construction of the Kursaal in Bardonecchia was originally planned as a large palace of festivities, with projects that included …
The Ricetto of St. Maurus in Rivera was a castle of St. Justus’ Abbey of Susa. The building was remodeled …
Virtuous example of recovering local memory: the premises of the old school have been adapted for public use, and the …
Il 27 Marzo 1907 a Torino venne fondata la Società Immobiliare Bardonecchia con l'obiettivo di bonificare terreni alluvionati, regolare il …
The final Tower of Oulx was erected between 1350 and 1377 with a role tied to the presence of royal …
Buttigliera Alta is a municipality with around 7,000 inhabitants near Avigliana, located at over 400 m above sea level. The …
A rare barn built with the Blockbau technique of Germanic and Burgundian origin. The stone masonry base contains the stable, …
The rural house of the Val di Cesana is traditionally two-storied with a stone structure and a wooden attic, featuring …
The Tur d'Amun in Bardonecchia was built in the 12th century as a military complex - It later became the …
The Mulino del Piano di Bussoleno has an ancient history, dating back to the 11th/12th century. Managed by the Varesio …
Venaus, located at the mouth of the Cenischia Valley, has a history intertwined with the Abbey of Novalesa and influences …
The territory of Villar Dora was known in the past as Villar Almese, a fraction of Almese until the 14th …
Climbing along the left bank of the Dora towards the upper part of the valley, there is a junction for …
The xerothermic oases of the Susa Valley include the Chianocco and Foresto ravines, regional protected areas characterized by the presence …
Il pilone votivo affrescato a Mouchecuite potrebbe essere stato costruito nel XVII secolo per riportare il luogo all'ortodossia cattolica. Gli …
On Sunday, April 6 at 5 pm in the Sala del Vescovo of the Civic Music Institute “Sandro Fuga” in …
From March 28 to June 5, the community film and cultural festival will animate several municipalities in the Susa Valley …
In Almese, free guided tours of the medieval village of San Mauro in Almese are starting again.
On March, Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 the 33rd edition of the FAI Spring Days will take place, an event …
ASD Iride di Rivoli is working to organize the Marathon along the Via Francigena Piemontese, which starting from Avigliana will …
Cinema in Verticale is a festival dedicated to cinema, culture and mountain sports, born in 1999 as a preview of …
The new season of Teatro a Caselette begins on January 30th and, with variable frequency, will propose great theater shows, …
The sixteenth edition of "Chantar l'Uvèrn. From Epiphany to Easter, fragments of Occitan, Franco-Provençal and French language and culture" is …
CAMALEONTIKA theatre review in Almese.
Learn about the precious heritage of the Susa Valley territory on an exciting journey through archaeological sites, abbeys and monasteries, …
On the occasion of Morenica Reale, on the day in which travel and the moraine hill are the protagonists, the …
At the church of Santa Croce Volti di terra art exhibition by Ettore Tabasso.
On Sunday, May 19 from 03:00 pm to 05:30 pm exclusive guided tours at the cathedral of San Giusto, the sacristies …
At 05:00 pm at Dino Campana city library "Tastings... at Art" meeting.
Guided tour to the Roman Villa in Almese from 03:00 pm to 06:00 pm and Roman Villa in Caselette from …
Newborns' Day at the park Alveare Verde.
Saturday, May 25 from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm under the arcades in front of the "E. De' Bartolomei" civic library the …
At 07:45 pm at the Ciclocucina "ALTE VIE on the Alpine passes on the outskirts of Turin" with Andrea Collino.
Let me fly - A testimony of life, to try to share the idea that not only can we survive …
At Fassino cinema "La moglie del presidente" movie.
A seminar on the symbol in the Hildegardian therapeutic model, a key to understanding complexity.
At Fassino cinema a movie just released in theaters: "Il Caso Josette".
Saturday, May 25 at 09:00 pm "In fondo al pozzo" theathral show.
Presentation of the bivouac entitled to the memory of STEFANO BERRONE at the council hall at 09:00 pm.
At 08:00 pm the great Canapo dinner and medievale parade at Conte Rosso square.
Al parco Robinson alle 16 Borgate dal Vivo: "Alice nel parco delle Meraviglie".
Concerts at the church of Santa Maria Maggiore, borgo vecchio.
Friday, May 31 at 03:00 p at the headquarter of the Gran Bosco di Salbertrand natural park meeting with Luca Maurino …
Venerdì 31 maggio alle ore 21 alla sede e centro visita del Parco naturale del Gran Bosco di Salbertrand è …
At Primo Levi library from 10:30 am One Way Out Turin is present to let the boys and girls of Avigliana experience …
At 08:45 pm at Daniele Bertotto auditorium “Libertà vo’ cercando…” the theme of freedom in the plastic and visual arts with Valter Alovisio.
Party in Toyland in the oratory courtyard from 03:00 pm.
At 09:00 at the CAI headquarter "The way of Salt and Sea".
Guided underground tour of the Rugèt medieval silver mine.
At the CERTOSA OF MONTEBENEDETTO "THE FORCES OF NATURE", painting exhibition by Raffaele Iovine
At the Preceptory of Sant'Antonio di Ranverso, on Sunday 9 June, history is relived. We return, in particular, to 1600, …
Trekking with stay in the guesthouse of the Certosa di Montebenedetto.
The 510 path, re-edition of the excursion of 18 May 1924, the year the section was founded.
At 04:00 pm at Casa Mistral painting workshop for children.
Saturday, May 25 at 09:00 pm at Cavalieri di Vittorio Veneto square a selection of anti-war poems.
Saturday, May 25 at 05:30 pm at the City Library "Le parole sono tutto quello che abbiamo".
Friday, May 24 at 09:00 pm at the multipurpose center "I BAUDISSARD: DISERTORI E BRIGANTI DELLA MONTAGNA".
“Hortus Conclusus” is a visit to the Precettoria of Sant'Antonio di Ranverso to discover the garden, the central theme of the care …
Saturday, May 25 at 04:00 pm at the council hall Marinella Bertolo talks about Alexandre Dumas' timeless masterpiece, "The Count of …
Saturday, May 25 at 09:00 pm at the parish church of San Giovanni Vincenzo Concert for Organ and Violin with Maurizio Cadossi and Luca Luca …
At Francesco Tabusso gallery "Felis silvestris catus, sospeso tra la terra e il cielo" painting exhibition by Ines Daniela Bertolino.
At “Terra di Nad” on Friday, May 31 and Sunday, June 2 two shows.
At 10:30 am at the RSA Casa Nazareth "Through the seasons", open lesson for all.
Meeting about caregiver at 01:30 pm at the Casa della Salute.
Meeting between new mothers from 01:30 pm to 03:30 pm at the Casa della Salute.
Sunday, June 16 Historic Palio of the Villages with parades, knight games, challenges and horse races.
Concerts by the Somis Institute in Susa, Oulx and Chianocco.
Children in music for mothers and children 0-3 years old at the clinic.
Children in music for mothers and children 0-3 years old at the ex Unitre from 03:15 pm to 05:15 pm.
At 06:00 pm at GB Vallory theater PELLE TERRA, an oriental dance theater show.
Laburnum Festival market.
At the church of San Rocco “Ruggeri Saroni Soffiantino – avant-garde and tradition" exhibition.
Update on movement and safety on ice and hard snow at Vallone Chisonetto / Sises Mount.
Ascent to Mount Chaberton via the Via degli Alpini.
Guided excursion to admire the flowering of laburnums.
“OLTRE LO SGUARDO" photo exhibition by Rueitan Cecchini.
At Arte per Voi gallery "In the white" exhibition.
At Arte per Voi gallery "In the white" exhibition.
At the Casa della Salute "How nice it is to be an artist" exhibition by the students of the primary …
At the tourist office exhibition by the “Groupe ‘d tradisioun populer Aoute Doueire“.
Guided tours to ex dinamitificio Nobel museum every second Sunday of the month at 10:30 am.
Welcome Tour from 03:00 pm to 05:00 pm.
Guided tours of this hidden gem on the shores of Lago Piccolo in Avigliana: the church of San Bartolomeo.
BosTer is the trade fair event dedicated to the valorisation of forest resources and the sustainable management of the mountain …
The 9th edition of "Borgate dal Vivo".
The Prehistory Laboratory Museum is open every Sunday from 10:00 am to 01:00 pm and from 03:00 pm to 06:00 …
The last meeting at the castle of Conte Verde "Movisenso. Abita il movimento che sei".
Documentary film AMBIN, LA ROCCIA E LA PIUMA directed by Fredo Valla at 09:00 pm at the parish hall.
At the Palazzo delle Feste "L'amore non è niente, è una delle cose più importanti"
Hiking to Cima del Bosco (2376m).
COPPI & PANTANI: what has never been written about the last days of the two champions and the mystery of Campiglio.
At Osto ed Pavajon at 07:30 pm cheese and wine guided tasting with Rosario Decrù and Ezio Alini.
From 08:30 am to 04:00 pm at the sport field Viglione trophy.
Sunday, June 23 from 10:30 am in the streets "Volevamo fare cinema".
Aperitif with music with DUO CHAT-BERTON Sunday, June 23 at 04:00 pm at Da Cosetti restaurant.
Also this year to celebrate World Environment Day the Municipality of Avigliana is implementing various initiatives.
Baseball Regions Tournament.
Arrival at the Colle of the motorcycles registered for the HAT Sanremo-Sestriere.
At 04:00 pm at the CVA Canoe race.
At Conte Rosso square from 10:00 am to 07:30 pm the 8th edition of "C’est l’Avì".
Lesson with Alessandro Barbero: “Anna Achmàtova” at the Foresteria Grande of the Sacra di San Michele.
At 10:30 am at Alveare Verde park "Fabulous Saturday".
Tour of the Villages of Mattie - 10th memorial Franco Bertrando.
12 km run, 5 km run or walk, 800 m …
On June 20 and 27 from 05:00 pm to 07:00 pm at bar Scacco Matto aperitif with music by Luca Martin …
At the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Borgo Vecchio three concerts.
Via dei Saraceni, bike competition TOP EVENT. Start and arrival from the town center.
Archeolab, rock painting workshop from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm.
Sunday, June 16 on the occasion of the European Archeology Days it is possible to visit the Roman villa of Almese (04:00 …
Juventus Academy World Cup 2024.
Meeting between new mothers from 01:30 pm to 03:30 pm at the Casa della Salute.
At the Casa della Salute "In the shadow of war" exhibition by Michele Pavana.
At 06:00 pm at the City Library reading group.
On June 20 from 08:30 am to 05:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste "Natural instability phenomena in the high mountains. …
Saturday, June 22 from 09:00 am to 04:00 pm photo excursion with Maria Laura Verdoia "The magic of Alpine spring".
Saturday, June 22 from 04:00 pm to 10:00 pm in the streets performance of the musical bands of Alta Val Susa …
At 08:00 pm in Almese, at the Tenuta Gran Vigna, Baratuciat wines and cheeses tasting.
In Almese, Martiri della Libertà square, 09:00 am-04:00 pm, cheesemaking demonstration on the production of toma type cheese.
In Salbertrand, Patronal feast of San Giovanni Battista.
Not to be missed, “The Long Night of Exilles” which takes place within the walls of the Fort of Exilles …
"The secrets of the swamp", excursion to the Mareschi swamp and observations of invertebrates under the microscope in the laboratory of …
Let's discover together the Colombano Romean Ecomuseum and the Glorious Repatriation of the Waldensians with an excursion guided by experts …
"The colors of the Park", exhibiton of watercolors by Elio Giuliano and Valentina Mangini.
“Sacred Fire” is the new series of meetings at the Precettoria of Sant'Antonio di Ranverso on stories, books and art: …
Sunday, June 16 at 04:30 pm at the abbey of Santi Pietro e Andrea in Novalesa "Regie Armonie" festival.
Gofri at Fraiteve square from 03:30 pm.
Friday, June 14 at 09:00 pm at the church of San Giovanni Battista Valter Savant Levet (organ), Stefania Balsamo (alto) …
At the Precettoria di Sant’Antonio di Ranverso two traveling narratives are planned, at 11:00 am and at 03:00 pm, about "The feast …
Second appointment, on Saturday, June 15 at 04:00 pm at the Europe Park in Rubiana: STORIES, LEGENDS AND FAIRY TALES OF …
“Lazzoduro” motorcycle rally, a motorbike tour of approximately 600 km between Sestriere and the ordinary (non-dirt) roads connecting the various locations …
Historic Truck Rally at Agnelli square.
Saturday, June 15 from 06:00 pm at the headquarter of the Land Association of Champlas, “Pozzo Strada”, a journey along the routes of …
International Athletics Meeting.
At 10:30 am at La Fabrica "Princes and princesses", readings and activities for children 3-7 years old.
Saturday, June 15 tug of war competition, historical reenactment and Villages Tavern.
Spiritual and Gospel Night con Chorus Life on Saturday, June 15 at 08:30 pm at the Sacra di San Michele.
Gastronomic walk with start at 11:45 am, 12:15 pm and 01:00 pm from the square in front of the municipality.
Also this year the "Midsummer Evenings" return to Giaglione in the playground square, which will include, in addition to the …
A new edition of "Baratuciat Vitigno DiVino". The event celebrates the native Baratuciat vine and the typical products of the …
Celebrations for the Patron Saint of Sauze d'Oulx: Saint John the Baptist.
A program full of events that take place …
At 04:30 pm at the church of S. Maria Maggiore in Borgo Vecchio Il Castello di Rivoli choir, Rivoli Alpine choir, Nigritella choir.
Traditional concert by Santa Cecilia Philharmonic of Avigliana at Conte Rosso square at 09:00 pm.
Sunday, June 23 themed visit to the Ex dinamitificio Nobel museum: "The production of explosives and industrial archaeology".
"E... state in vacanza!!!", readings and activities for children 3-7 years old at 10:30 am at La fabrica center.
Latin American music DJ set with dancers at 09:00 pm at the playground.
SLURP! and stars: walk with dinner and observation of shooting stars from 06:00 pm to midnight.
Muscle awakening at the Castle every Saturday from 08:30 am to 09:30 am.
Muscle awakening at the Castle every Saturday from 08:30 am to 09:30 am.
Muscle awakening at the Castle every Saturday from 08:30 am to 09:30 am.
Photo exhibition by Claudio Rovere
Opening hours: everyday 10:00 am-06:00 pm.
Free entry.
Traveling summer campus in the Orsiera Rocciavrè Park.
Feast of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary at Borgata Sestriere with Mass at 06:00 pm.
At the Casa della Salute "In the shadow of war" exhibition by Michele Pavana.
At the Locanda della Posta at 12:00 pm "Templars, Brotherhoods and Travelers in the Middle Ages in Chiomonte".
I Mercanti di Forte dei Marmi al Colle del Sestriere.
Yoga à Sansicario.
At the Casa della Salute "In the shadow of war" exhibition by Michele Pavana.
Presentazione del libro “Cuore d’oro, dalle Ande alle Alpi” di Giulia Vola. Ore 18 all’ufficio del turismo.
At Malaika Café "Nature and color" exhibition by William Blanc.
At Scacco Matto bar at 09:00 pm CAI conferences.
Hiking to Gran Serin. Meeting at 07:30 am at the Helipad in Sauze d'Oulx.
"Luz de Lucha" di Stefano Stranges - Mostra fotografica. Ufficio del turismo.
At the Casa della Salute "In the shadow of war" exhibition by Michele Pavana.
Juventus Summer Camp. Seven weeks at altitude for a super Juventus holiday at 2035 meters above sea level on the Colle.
At the Sestriere Sport Center the Summit Volley Camp for children 10-17 years old.
Summer market with typical products, agricultural producers and artisans.
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation …
Festival della Magia. Sestriere come Diagon Alley in compagnia dei Cosplay di Harry Potter.
The 1th Mountain Book Fair Sunday, September 1 from 10:00 am to 06:00 pm.
"Istanti selvaggi" exhibition by Alessandro Perron at the Casa della Salute.
At 04:00 pm at the CAI headquarter presentation of the ski mountaineering information path for the year 2024 - 2025.
Friday, July 5 at the Casa della Salute at 01:30 pm "Ticks: instructions for use, knowing ticks to defend yourself" …
Every Tuesday and Thursday from June 25 to September 5 the Colombano Romean Ecomuseum offers guided tours.
10th International Asteroid Day, awareness day on problems related to asteroid impacts.
The Astrofili Segusini Association offers a dedicated evening on Friday, June 28 …
For the seventh consecutive year FLOR returns to high altitude for its summer edition which, as per tradition, takes place …
At Francesco Tabusso gallery on Saturday, June 29 at 11:00 am opening of "Donna, mistero senza fine bello" exhibition by Elio Pastore.
Gusto in quota Sestriere Summer edition alle 18 a Casa Olimpia.
At Francesco Tabusso gallery on Saturday, June 29 at 11:00 am opening of "Donna, mistero senza fine bello" exhibition by Elio Pastore.
Gofri with the Alpins from 04:00 pm at Garambois square.
At Francesco Tabusso gallery on Saturday, June 29 at 11:00 am opening of "Donna, mistero senza fine bello" exhibition by Elio Pastore.
At Francesco Tabusso gallery on Saturday, June 29 at 11:00 am opening of "Donna, mistero senza fine bello" exhibition by Elio Pastore.
Ascent to Furgon Mount with the CAI of Bardonecchia and Sauze d'Oulx.
Sunday, June 30 it is possible to visit the Roman villa of Almese (04:00 pm-07:00 pm) and the Roman villa …
Sunday, June 30 at 04:30 pm at the church of S. Maria Maggiore in Borgo Vecchio concert by 7 Torri choir and Haec …
Guided hiking to Champlas - Colle Sestriere with Marion Vaglio Tessitore.
Meeting at 09:30 am at the parking in Champlas Janvier …
Purple Night with animations, tastings and lots of music from 06:00 pm.
Traveling summer campus in the Orsiera Rocciavrè Park.
Bee Day. Curiosities, games and workshops on bees and honey.
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation …
At Scacco Matto bar at 09:00 pm CAI conferences.
Saturday, August 17 feast at Borgata Constans with gofri at 04:30 pm and Mass at 06:30 pm.
MISS CHARLOTTE CELEBRATION: 79th commemoration of the 1944 Pian della Milizia air disaster.
Progetto di Promozione della Salute: "Oulx: in arte salus", in collaborazione con la Pubblica Assistenza, che alle 9:30 organizza un …
The crazy cars participating in “Wacky Rally” event are back.
From 09:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 02:30 pm to 06:30 pm at the Tourist Office DIORAMA.
Small-scale setting of …
“HAT Adventourfest 2024” and the 12th edition of “In moto oltre le nuvole" with Sestriere base camp for this three-day event dedicated …
Pinerolo-Valloire stage of the Tour de France with passage in Sestrières, Champlas du Col, Cesana Torinese and Claviere.
Yoga à Sansicario.
Language desk in French every Wednesday from 09:00 am to 03:00 pm at Dieu Hotel.
On July 18 at 04:00 …
At via Palazzo di Città from 03:00 pm to 08:30 pm "Two hearts with one mission".
Saturday, July 6 at 10:30 am at the City Library animated reading workshop with puppets with Antonio Argenio.
In Cesana Torinese, at the tourist office at 05:30 pm "The biodiversity of the Cottian Alps and how to protect …
Saturday, July 6 in the Gran Bosco di Salbertrand natural park "Citizen Science: the orchids" thematic excursion with the guide Silvia Valchierotti.
Guided excursion in Thuras Valley with the guide Marion Vaglio Tessitore.
Meeting at 09:30 am in Bousson (Cesana Torinese).
At 06:00 pm at the ancient owen in Beaulard presentation of the book "Due Zoldani" by Lucia Berardi.
Soccer course for boys and girls 5-12 years old from 03:00 pm.
Friday, August 16 at 10:00 am at Frazione Thures in Cesana Torinese the partisan courier Maria Teresa Gorlier will be remembered.
Traveling summer campus in the Orsiera Rocciavrè Park.
In Cesana Torinese at the tourist office at 05:30 pm "Wildlife and traffic in High Susa Valley" thematic meeting with Elisa Ramassa.
Saturday, July 13 in Sauze di Cesana ”Discovering the Ripa (Argentera) Valley ZSC" with Laura Matta: walking in the footsteps of an ancient …
Snack and Occitan dances from 05:00 pm at Mistral square with Aoute Doueire and Parenaperde.
Saturday, July 13 in the Gran Bosco di Salbertrand natural park guided walk in the butterfly garden to discover the myths …
Trekking for young people in the Gran Bosco di Salbertrand park.
At the sport center at 04:00 pm Luca Frencia in concert.
Soccer course for boys and girls 5-12 years old from 03:00 pm.
A concert for Mathias. Live music along with sweet and savory waffles, polenta and sausage. Proceeds go to charity.
Saturday, September 14 9th Feast of Spi-Cgil with music, debates and aperitifs.
At the playground at 05:00 pm am afternoon of entertainment for children.
At the playground at 05:00 pm am afternoon of entertainment for children.
Guided excursion in the Gran Bosco di Salbertrand natural park with the guide Silvia Valchierotti.
An immersive outing, in environments of naturalistic …
At the playground at 05:00 pm am afternoon of entertainment for children.
At the playground at 05:00 pm am afternoon of entertainment for children.
At the playground at 05:00 pm am afternoon of entertainment for children.
Sunday, July 14 in Cesana Torinese "Discovering the Black Lake ZSC" with the guides Laura Matta and Fabrizio Burzio.
The first stage of "Art on the move... along the Via Francigena". Sporting, historical-cultural and artistic event along the ancient pilgrimage …
At the CGA sport fields dinner in white from 05:00 pm.
Dance at the Alveare Verde park at 09:00 pm.
Bookcrossing from 10:00 am to 05:30 pm at the tourist office.
Sport festival at the Alveare Verde park.
Sunday, July 7 at the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Borgo Vecchio at 04:30 pm ”In punta di dita – policromie …
Feast of Sant'Anna in Drubiaglio.
"The holdovers" movie at 06:30 pm and 09:15 pm.
At 08:30 pm at the Sacra di San Michele "Dante on pilgrimage at the Sacra".
"Challengers" movie at 06:30 pm and 09:15 pm.
Summer Music in Bardonecchia offers 24 classical music concerts from 17 to 30 July in the historic center. Organized by …
Sunday, July 7 a day dedicated to Tino Aime at Bastia.
An exhibition, narrated walks, music, videos and tastings will be …
Sunday, July 7 guided tours to the Roman Villa in Almese from 04:00 pm to 07:00 pm.
Saturday, July 6 from 05:30 pm a special opportunity to enjoy an aperitif in the Art Nouveau courtyard of the magnificent …
"THE NEVERENDING STORY" - Photo exhibition by Maurizio PERRON. From 09:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 02:30 pm to 06:30 …
Between magic wands, dancing puppets and out-of-control music, classical music has never been so fun!
Gathering of historic cars at 10:00 am at III rgt Alpini square.
"Grand Cabaret de Madame Pistache" at Mistral square at 06:00 pm.
On the occasion of the 44th anniversary of the opening of the Frejus motorway tunnel that connects Italy to France, …
Saturday, July 6 at 09:15 pm at the parish church Rosa Mystica, “Ave Maris Stella” concert.
Traveling summer campus in the Orsiera Rocciavrè Park.
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation …
42th edition of the CESANA-SESTRIERE, unique competition in Italy for history, beauty and importance.
Saturday, July 6 at 04:00 pm at the City Library a fun journey into the world of old books and encyclopedias …
Photographers in Bardonecchia. Photo exhibition at the Palazzo delle Feste.
July 9 at 09:00 pm Palazzo delle Feste You will be able to meet the epee team that will be protagonists …
At the Palazzo delle Feste BIVACCO COLLE DEL SOMMEILLER exhibition by Devis Guiguet.
All'area sportiva martedì 13 e mercoledì 14 agosto l'Arte del Tiro con l'Arco insegnata da I maestri Arcieri del Grifone.
Friday, July 12 at 04:00 pm at the City Library ARTE DI FRONTIERA. Presentation of the book by Andrea Ludovici.
Assietta Legend of mountain bike.
Saturday, July 13 at 06:30 pm at the Giardino delle Donne presentation of the book “Una festa in nero” by Alice Basso.
Hiking walk to discover the lakes at 09:30 am with Laura Antiquario.
In the church of San Bartolomeo Sunday, July 14 at 05:00 pm "San Bartolomeo – The concert" with guided tour …
Friday, July 12 at the Palazzo delle Feste in Bardonecchia a day of study, with educational moments, dedicated to the Shroud, the …
PIZZA FESTIVAL at Republic square in SANT’AMBROGIO DI TORINO from Friday, July 12 to Sunday, July 14 (Friday 06:00 pm-midnight, Saturday …
At 04:30 pm at the church of Santa Maria Maggiore an event dedicated to the great Italian singer-songwriter Lucio Battisti.
“Hortus Conclusus” is a visit to the preceptory of Sant’Antonio di Ranverso discovering the garden, the central theme of the care of the …
Saturday, July 20 at 09:00 pm at the tourist office "Ambin" documentary screening.
At the Casa delle Lapidi "The flavors handed down by women" exhibition by Contempora association.
At Le Terre al Confine ecomuseum watercolor painting exhibition by Simone Trotta.
Muscle awakening at the Castle every Saturday from 08:30 am to 09:30 am.
At the Casa delle Lapidi "The flavors handed down by women" exhibition by Contempora association.
At the Casa delle Lapidi "The flavors handed down by women" exhibition by Contempora association.
At the Casa delle Lapidi "The flavors handed down by women" exhibition by Contempora association.
At 08:30 pm Mass at the parish church. Following, a traditional night-time procession with torches and the statue of the …
At the Casa delle Lapidi "The flavors handed down by women" exhibition by Contempora association.
At the Casa delle Lapidi "The flavors handed down by women" exhibition by Contempora association.
At the Casa delle Lapidi "The flavors handed down by women" exhibition by Contempora association.
At the Casa delle Lapidi "The flavors handed down by women" exhibition by Contempora association.
Library Day in Cesana Torinese (03:00 pm-05:00 pm), Bardonecchia (10:00 am-12:00 pm) and Oulx (03:00 pm-05:00 pm).
Muscle awakening at the Castle every Saturday from 08:30 am to 09:30 am.
Free excursion with naturalistic guide.
Muscle awakening at the Castle every Saturday from 08:30 am to 09:30 am.
Free excursion with naturalistic guide.
Rock, pop, gospel concert by CorOulx at 09:00 pm at Formont hall.
Muscle awakening at the Castle every Saturday from 08:30 am to 09:30 am.
Muscle awakening at the Castle every Saturday from 08:30 am to 09:30 am.
Sestriere in Bloom Award Ceremony at 03:00 pm at the tourist office.
At 04:30 pm at the City Library every Saturday readings for children.
Friday, July 12 at 09:00 pm at the church of Santa Caterina "Ambin" documentary screening.
At the playground at 05:00 pm am afternoon of entertainment for children.
Yoga à Sansicario.
Friday, July 26 at 09:00 pm at the multipurpose center "Ambin" documentary screening.
Beeker Fest Friday, July 12 at Piero Ghibaudo bike park in Almese. Meeting at 06:30 pm and free test to 07:30 …
"The trail 510", re-edition of the excursion of 18 May 1924, the year of foundation of the CAI UGET Bussoleno section.
Pilgrimage to the chapel on Tabor Mount with Mass.
Living with joy with colours, flavours, taste & health on your plate: Training Laboratory in Chiomonte from 10:00 am to …
Ceramics workshop: 6 meetings to lay the foundations on how to work clay and obtain ceramic objects.
Historical parade in memory of the armed forces of the Kingdom of Sardinia organized by the Pietro Micca Association.
9th Gathering of vintage cars and motorbikes.
An event not to be missed, open to all boys and girls born between 2011 and 2021, in Monterotta, in …
Soccer course for boys and girls 5-12 years old from 03:00 pm.
With the CAI nature guide Giancarlo Giordano, a beautiful circular tour in the glacial cirque of Rognosa d’Etache and the …
Alle ore 21:00, verrà riproposta la passeggiata “La Canzone di Colombano”.
Nella sala conferenze dell'ufficio del turismo alle 21 "La prevenzione delle patologie degenerative osteo-articolari" con Gianluca Collo.
Mountain running enthusiasts are expected in Sestriere on Sunday, July 21 to start the “1° Memorial Pelle” Trail on the …
Walk in the Olympic mountains with the bishop of Pinerolo Derio Olivero.
Yoga à Sansicario.
Soccer course for boys and girls 5-12 years old from 03:00 pm.
At 09:00 pm at the Dino Campana city library two "surprise" stories by Maupassant with Gabriella Venturino.
Friday, July 19 at 09:15 pm at the parish church Ensemble of the Accademia del Santo Spirito of Turin.
At 09:00 pm at the Dino Campana city library two "surprise" stories by Maupassant with Gabriella Venturino.
Venerdì 16 agosto ore 16:00 | Chiesa di Sant’Ippolito per il Progetto Lanterna Magica immagini commentate da Patrizia Meumann Porcellana.
Traditional Feast of San Bartolomeo at Chateau Beaulard on Saturday, August 24. At 11 Mass.
Saturday, July 13 at 09:15 pm at the parish church «Abbazia della Novalesa» choir directed by Enrico Demaria.
At the Jardin d'la Tour at 04:15 pm readings and workshop for children 5-10 years old.
Venerdì 16 agosto ore 17:30 | Base Logistica presentazione dei libri a cura degli autori “E se un angelo a Lisbona…” …
At the Jardin d'la Tour at 04:15 pm readings and workshop for children 5-10 years old.
At the Jardin d'la Tour at 04:15 pm readings and workshop for children 5-10 years old.
Venerdì 16 agosto ore 21:00 | Palazzo delle Feste 50 anni di escursioni a Bardonecchia.
At the Jardin d'la Tour at 04:15 pm readings and workshop for children 5-10 years old.
At 09:30 pm "Gruvidi" in concert at Smeraldo lake.
At 09:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste "Portraits", CorOulx in concert.
At the Casa della Salute "In the shadow of war" exhibition by Michele Pavana.
Painting exhibition by Valentina Giarlotto at Malaika Cafe during the opening hours of the business.
Saturday, July 20 at 09:00 pm the first event of the 22th edition of the International Celtic Music Festival at …
Le Fotoescursioni di Maria Laura Verdoia alle 5:30.
At the church of San Rocco “Ruggeri Saroni Soffiantino – avant-garde and tradition" exhibition.
Mountain running event dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the Battle of the Grange Sevine in Costa Rossa.
Sabato 17 agosto ore 16:00 alla Biblioteca civica A tavola con gli autori.
The Prehistory Laboratory Museum is open every Sunday from 10:00 am to 01:00 pm and from 03:00 pm to 06:00 …
At the Alpine Religious Art Museum (Melezet) "Mystery window icon" exhibition.
At the Alpine Religious Art Museum (Melezet) "Mystery window icon" exhibition.
Yoga à Sansicario.
2th edition of the Mountain Fitness Festival at Fraiteve square.
CorOulx in concert Saturday, July 20 at 09:00 pm at the Municipality square.
Saturday, July 20 he and she running. Pairs running race open to everyone aged 3 and up.
Saturday, July 20 at 05:00 pm at Miramonti square LUKAS FREESTYLE & CO.
Sunday, July 21 at 01:00 pm at Sportinia EFFE STRING QUARTET.
On Sunday, July 21 it is possible to visit the Roman villa of Almese before the summer break. The guided …
Animal first aid course organized by AcademyDogCenter, for a fee.
Partisan walk and celebration of the 80th anniversary of the battles of the Triplex and Genevris mountains.
From 04:00 pm snack with gofre at the Panificio Alpino, Beaulard.
Summer party markets.
A new exciting musical proposal is looming on the horizon thanks to the Vita e Pace Cultural Center of Avigliana, …
The Due laghi jazz festival reaches the milestone of the 31st edition inaugurating the new decade of challenges faithful to its successful …
Sabato 17 agosto ore 17:30 al Palazzo delle Feste presentazione del libro di Paolo Angelillo “Caravaggio Reloaded”.
At G. B. Vallory theater on Saturday, September 7 at 09:00 pm "Nascita di una dittatura" theathral show.
The Due laghi jazz festival reaches the milestone of the 31st edition inaugurating the new decade of challenges faithful to its successful …
The Due laghi jazz festival reaches the milestone of the 31st edition inaugurating the new decade of challenges faithful to its successful …
Al Palazzetto dello Sport Fencing Summer Camp Epeexperience.
In memory of the pasta that the Cervi family offered to the inhabitants of Campegine on 25 July 1943 to …
Sunday, July 21 at 04:30 pm at the Ecomuseo della Resistenza the 2th event of the "Conspiracies in History" festival entirely focused …
At 09:30 pm at Conte Rosso square Fabio Celenza show.
Yoga à Sansicario.
Imposing and majestic, the Exilles Fort dominates the slopes of the Susa Valley. For the third consecutive year, Revejo is …
"Art on the move... along the Via Francigena". Sporting, historical-cultural and artistic event along the ancient pilgrimage route between Europe and …
What is public archaeology? How is it organized and what is done in an archaeological excavation? What job does an …
Domenica 18 agosto ore 16:45 | Pian del Sole Sunset Fitness.
Imposing and majestic, the Exilles Fort dominates the slopes of the Susa Valley. For the third consecutive year, Revejo is …
The 7.8 km uphill dirt road of the Provincial Road 172 of Colle delle Finestre are ready to welcome the …
Saturday, July 20 the 4th edition of "Milonga in the moonlight" from 08:30 pm at the Ricetto per l'Arte - Agorà …
Roller Blade Camp with Davide Ghiotto, Olympic skating champion.
Exhibition about Universiadi waiting for the winter 2025 edition. A journey that began 75 years ago which united nations under the …
A historical procession made up of hundreds of extras in medieval clothes with attention to detail, two fantastic settings: the Countess …
Beautiful hiking itinerary without particular technical difficulties, suitable for people who want to walk and have a good physical preparation.
Feast of Santa Margherita at Menolzio. Three intense days with many initiatives.
Do we think of heritage as something linked to the past or can it also speak to the present? How …
Yoga à Sansicario.
Clean Up Days! Ecological awareness day on environmental sustainability.
At 10:00 am at via Roma Cocktail & Wine Night by Vin au Verre, La Nata Wine Bar and Pig.
GEOMETRIE, photo exhibition.
Musical walk with Enrico Pascal on the violin and Agnes Dijaux from the French Linguistic Desk of Chambra d'Oc who …
Exploring Val Fredda: Where does the vulture fly? Medium difficulty excursion, full day duration.
A day dedicated to discovering the …
Sunday, July 21 , Mompantero "Discover to Rocciamelone" with Elena Bianco Chinto. A guided excursion to discover the fauna and flora of …
Domenica 18 agosto ore 21:00 al Palazzo delle Feste Queen Tribute.
57th Golden Chestnut International Folklore Festival. Castagna d'Oro
International Folklore Festival One of the oldest national folk events in Italy, this year …
Sunday, July 21 at 03:00 pm in Moncensio, at the library / Ecomuseum demonstration of cheese making with cheese production with …
Traveling summer campus in the Orsiera Rocciavrè Park.
Theatrical show that tells stories and anecdotes of times gone by, when multi-class classrooms still survived in the most remote …
Street Food Festival dalle 10 alle 24.
Focacciamo 2024 - Beer Fest. Three days of music and good food.
On Saturday, November 23 from 09:00 am to noon at Enrico De' Bartolomei city library "AAC for Behavior Management".
Guided excursion in Thuras Valley with the guide Marion Vaglio Tessitore.
Meeting at 09:30 am in Bousson (Cesana Torinese).
Thursday, July 25 at 07:00 pm at the castle of Conte Verde in Condove, tasting of 5 cheeses and 5 …
Thursday, July 25 in Bardonecchia guided hiking to discover the ZSC Les Arnauds Punta Quattro Sorelle with Susanna Mozzatto.
Saturday, July 27 in the natural park of Gran Bosco di Salbertrand a journey to discover the world of leaves: "We will …
Summer bookcrossing everyday under the porch of the tourism office.
Let's discover and visit the sites of the Colombano Romean Ecomuseum with the guide Elena Bianco Chinto. The thematic excursion is …
Sunday, July 28 at 04:00 pm "Portraits" - Famous and fictional characters told in music. CorOulx in concert.
Processione dell'Assunta alle 21 nel centro storico.
On August 3 at 09:00 pm at the square of the Municipality "Ambin la roccia e la piuma" movie.
Walk at Borgata Vazon with Luca Mercalli and Giorgio Arlaud.
Sunday, August 18 "The Way of the Wolf" guided hiking.
Thursday, August 1 in Bardonecchia guided hiking to discover the ZSC Les Arnauds Punta Quattro Sorelle with Susanna Mozzatto.
Friday, July 19 at 04:00 pm at the City Library Simona Coppero presents the project "Places of books – Paths are …
Saturday, July 20 at 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste presentation of the 6th edition of the Master of the …
Guided excursion in the Gran Bosco di Salbertrand natural park with the guide Silvia Valchierotti.
An immersive outing, in environments of naturalistic …
Guided tours of this hidden gem on the shores of Lago Piccolo in Avigliana: the church of San Bartolomeo.
Saturday, July 20 at 04:00 pm at the City Library "At the table with the authors".
Medium-easy thematic excursion to learn about the flora and fauna of Bardonecchia, to train the eye to observe and photograph …
On Saturday, July 20 Melezet celebrates the "Madonna del Carmine - Feast of the Scapolaire" with the Mass officiated by …
Sunday, July 21 at Picreaux – Rochemolles Valley the Bardonecchia Group will remember the Alpins of the Fenestrelle Battalion overwhelmed by the …
At the City Library at 04:00 pm readings and workshops for children with Alessandra.
Presentation of the book “Il mistero del manoscritto – Un’indagine a Castagnole delle Lanze” by Mauro Rivetti.
A double appointment is scheduled for Sunday 28 July at the Precettoria of Sant'Antonio di Ranverso. At 2.30pm the Urban …
44th Alpine March Modane | Bardonecchia | Modane. Meeting at 05:45 am at Campo della Fiera square.
I componenti delle due band “Standing ovation” e “Liga revolution” si alterneranno sul palco di Sportinia dalle 11:30 per un …
At 06:30 pm and at 09:15 pm at Fassino cinema "Pissarro, the father of Impressionism".
2th edition of "Mini artist in Beaulard". At the owen in Beaulard drawing and exhibition activities for children 0-14 years.
From 06:00 pm at Smeraldo Lake "Ombarock".
CorOulx in concert from 09:00 pm at the Jardin d'La Tour.
At the Casa della Salute "Diventare grandi" exhibition by Roberto Mocco.
Nella sala conferenze dell'ufficio del turismo alle 21 "La prevenzione dei tumori otorinolaringoiatrici" con Giovanni Succo.
At 09:00 pm at 2 Giugno city library presentation of the book by Ernesto Berretti "La giostra dei pellicani".
Sunday, August 11 at 04:30 pm at the church of S. Maria Maggiore in Borgo Vecchio "Popular fantasies" concert by Elena Montorsi …
Sunday, August 25 at 04:30 pm at the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Borgo Vecchio Fabrizio Sandretto in concert.
14th Sestriere Film Festival of Mountain. From August 3 to 10 at 09:00 pm movies. Free entry.
Feast of Alpins at Monterotta. At 12:00 Mass.
At the Olympic Mountains at 05:30 pm Giorgio Ferraris and Riccardo Micalizzi in concert.
DJ Set with Dj Angyelle at La Cabassa from 08:00 pm.
Rolling day at 03:30 pm at III Reggimento Alpini square.
At Solaris hotel at 07:00 pm Rock and Roll Boys in concert.
Festa alla Cappella degli Alpini.
At 09:00 pm at the Casa delle Culture "Tales of Herbs and Berries" with Anna Maria Sainato, writer.
Beat boxer and loop performer. Matteo Zulian aka Alp King combines the two specialties using the loop station with electronic guitar effects. …
From 10:00 am at the tourist office periodious antlers exhibition.
Creative paths: summer market of creative crafts from 09:00 am at Assietta square.
Dialogo tra il maestro Michelangelo Pistoletto e l’imam Yahya Pallavicini su "Creazione e Paradiso".
Creative paths: summer market of creative crafts from 09:00 am at Assietta square.
At the parish field from 09:00 pm "Lucio & Lucio".
Taste Art Music Friday, July 26 at 06:00 pm at the chapel of San Sisto.
At 07:15 pm at Ciclocucina restaurant "Traveling voices" - Nepal.
At Ciclocucina restaurant "Swingin' Buddies" in concert.
Hiking to Quattro Sorelle with CAI of Bardonecchia.
Feast of Our Lady of the Snow.
At 09:00 pm at the chapel of Sant’Antonio Abate at Jouvenceaux presentation of the book “FIORI STRAORDINARI” by Roberta Masinari.
At 02:00 pm at Chesal - Frazione Melezet THE RECIDIVE STORYTELLER
Concert at high altitude by DANIELE SILVESTRI.
Wednesday, July 24 at 09:00 pm at the Logistics Base presentation of the documentary film “Natural Symphonies – The wonder …
Wednesday, July 24 at 09:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste conference "THE BEAUTY EQUATION: FROM AESTHETIC MEASUREMENT TO THE ALGORITHMIC …
"Le meraviglie della fauna alpina" con Ezio Giuliano all'ecomuseo Le Terre al Confine alle 21.
On July 25 at 04:00 pm at the City library BEAUTY AND LIGHT IN ART – GIOVANNI SEGANTINI with Anna Piantanida.
Friday, July 26 at 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste presentation of the book by Giorgio Merlo “LA SINISTRA SOCIALE”.
Friday, July 26 at 04:00 pm at the City Library presentation of the book by Valeria Tron “Pietra Dolce”.
WE PLAY THE MUSIC WE LOVE on Saturday, July 27 from noon to midnight at the Tur d’Amun.
Saturday, July 27 at 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste presentation of the book by Cristina Frascà “LA SUPPLENTE”.
Sunday, July 28 at 09:00 am at the playground "One Day Fit". The best of fitness with the energy of street …
Saturday, July 27 at 04:00 pm at the City Library "At the table with the authors".
Saturday, July 27 at 09:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste FABRIZIO BENTIVOGLIO and FERRUCCIO SPINETTI "LETTURA CLANDESTINA".
Mega orienteering alle 14:30 al campetto Clotes.
Sunday, July 28 at 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste presentation of the book by Luca Ponzi “L’ULTIMO PADRINO”. Life, death and …
Sunday, July 28 from 10:00 am to 06:00 pm at Mons. Bellando flea market.
Sunday, July 28 at 09:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste ACCADEMIA CORALE STEFANO TEMPIA E ARCHITORTI "SACRED REMIX".
Monday, July 29 at 06:30 pm at the church of Sant’Ippolito Chief Marshal Alessandro Ramon Commander of the Bardonecchia Carabinieri Station will …
On Saturday, November 23 at 09:30 am at Cascina Roland "What will the Susa Valley be like in 30 years?", …
At the Europe square 18 "The magic garden" art exhibition by Anja.
8th edition of the Rhythmic gymnastics internship in Sestriere.
August 1 at 04:00 pm at the City Library presentation of the book by Paolo Domenico Montaldo “UN COMMISSARIO, UN MONACO …
From 09:00 am E-Bike Enduro International and Italian Championship.
Party for the 100th anniversary of the Regina Pacis Chapel at Colle del Sestriere.
At the castle of Adelaide "Visioni di Paesaggio" exhibition by Antonio Carena.
Edition 2024 of the Tour de l’Avenir, the stage race that has revealed many young talents on two wheels who …
At the castle of Adelaide "Visioni di Paesaggio" exhibition by Antonio Carena.
At Scacco Matto bar at 09:00 pm CAI conferences.
Mostra di pittura "Arte, sulle tracce dei Marrons" all'ecomuseo Le Terre al Confine.
At 9 pm at the sports area, observation of the summer sky of Ferrera Moncenisio, led by astronomers.
At 03:00 pm at the City Library Knitting and crocheting in the mountains with Katia Ribetto.
At the castle of Adelaide "Visioni di Paesaggio" exhibition by Antonio Carena.
Anello Gran Serous con il CAI.
At the castle of Adelaide "Visioni di Paesaggio" exhibition by Antonio Carena.
Venerdì 27 dicembre alle ore 16:00 alla Biblioteca Civica il Gruppo Teatro Insieme di Susa presenta LA VERA STORIA DI …
Photo exhibition "Jazz... e non solo" by Gianni Pino at the Casa della Salute.
Festeggiamenti per San Rocco.
At the castle of Adelaide "Visioni di Paesaggio" exhibition by Antonio Carena.
An event not to be missed, open to all boys and girls born between 2011 and 2021, at Pin Court …
Summer market with typical products, agricultural producers and artisans.
At 4 pm at the municipal sports area Francesca Mazzuccato in concert with orchestra.
At 09:00 pm at the Dino Campana city library Cyrano de Bergerac with Gabriella Venturino.
Summer entertainment for children from 10:00 am to noon and from 03:00 pm to 06:00 pm.
At the City Library at 04:00 pm readings and workshops for children with Alessandra.
Festa patronale dell'Assunta.
At Scacco Matto bar at 09:00 pm "The Italian colonial adventure" with Massimo e Marco Garavelli.
On the night of the Perseids, at the Precettoria of Sant'Antonio di Ranverso, on Saturday, August 10, an evening of …
Laughter yoga and mindfulness among art, paths and mountains from 9am at the Tino Aime association.
Beer in tour at Masino square with concert at 09:00 pm.
The non-competitive crossing of the Lago Grande di Avigliana reaches its 16th edition.
Beer fest from 07:00 pm to midnight at De gasperi square. Beer, food and concerts from 09:30 pm.
At the church of San Bartolomeo at Chateau Beaulard, at the conclusion of the dialogue between ancient and contemporary, Saturday, July 27 …
Yogananda. A unique experience of connection with nature and with oneself through a morning of yoga and meditation surrounded by …
Friday, August 9 from 02:30 m to 05:30 pm at the lake “Just For Kids” event, dedicated to children 6-11 years …
At the sport hall International Pro-Wrestling Camp by Turin CUS.
In Cesana Torinese, at the tourist office at 05:30 pm "The Masters of Flight" thematic meeting with Silvia Alberti and Giuseppe …
Double excursion in the Gran Bosco di Salbertrand Natural Park with the Alpi Cozie Park Guides, Laura Matta and Massimiliano …
Exploring Val Fredda: Where does the vulture fly? A medium difficulty hike, full day.
Guided excursion in Thuras Valley with the guide Marion Vaglio Tessitore.
Meeting at 09:30 am in Bousson (Cesana Torinese).
At 03:00 pm at the City Library Knitting and crocheting in the mountains with Katia Ribetto.
On Saturday 17 August, in the Orsiera Rocciavrè Natural Park, a literary walk is proposed to investigate the relationship between …
On Saturday 17th August at the Ecomuseum Colombano Romean in Salbertrand, a new theatrical visit "Roots and Horizons" will be …
Summer market with typical products, agricultural producers and artisans.
At the gallery of Porta Ferrata "A journey through the shapes and colours of nature" exhibition by Erika Gallo.
At 06:00 pm at the Giardino delle donne "The meeting with Beatrice" from Canto XXX of Purgatory.
Themed visit: Homage to Primo Levi. The literary production related to his presence at the Duco di Avigliana from which …
Saturday, August 3 at 09:00 pm at 2 Giugno city library presentation of the book “Ho visto la neve” by Roberto Micali …
At Scacco Matto bar at 09:00 pm CAI conferences.
"Anthology" exhibition by the artist Mariano Carrara at Pro Loco hall.
Monday, August 19 at 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste presentation of the book by Pier Giorgio Corino "Susa Valley …
At 06:00 pm at the headquarter of Associazione Fondiaria Champlas du Col presentation of the book "Riti alpini, feste patronali in …
Miniature readings: Miniature Readings: An afternoon of reading, discussion and sharing for mothers with children from 0 to 3 years old …
The Prehistory Laboratory Museum is open every Sunday with 4 free events at 10:00 am and 03:00 pm.
At the Palazzo delle Feste “From a noble past to a brighter future” photo exhibition.
The Prehistory Laboratory Museum is open every Sunday with 4 free events at 10:00 am and 03:00 pm.
The Prehistory Laboratory Museum is open every Sunday with 4 free events at 10:00 am and 03:00 pm.
The Prehistory Laboratory Museum is open every Sunday with 4 free events at 10:00 am and 03:00 pm.
CAI hiking to Seguret mount.
Festival at the Lago dei Camosci in Sant'Ambrogio di Torino.
The aperitiv'Oc, sings, speaks, dances in Occitan and French from 05:00 pm to 07:00 pm at Scacco Matto bar.
Feast in Jouvenceaux. Gofri and musical entertainment in the streets of the historic center of Jouvenceaux.
At 09:00 pm at the Playground Nicolò Protto in concert.
Stay Bin: sport and wellness are at the heart of this unmissable early August event.
Monday, August 19 at 04:00 pm at the Logistics Base presentation and workshop by the Melezet carving school.
Cinema under the stars at 09:00 pm at the square of the Municipality.
At 09:00 pm at the Parish church of San Giovanni Battista Fe' Avouglan in concert.
Summer market with typical products, agricultural producers and artisans.
17th edition of the traditional Gofri festival. Every year a surprise, every year a confirmation!
Tuesday, August 20 from 09:00 am to 07:00 pm at Campo della Fiera square extraordinary market - Stock Griffe & Prontomoda from …
Cinema under the stars at 09:00 pm at the square of the Municipality.
Cinema under the stars at 09:00 pm at the square of the Municipality.
On August 21 at 09:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste "Mysterious Chaberton" with Mauro Minola, Ottavio Zetta and Fabrizio Coniglio.
2th Memorial "Maurizio Paterna", Street Soccer tournament at Garambois square.
The Square of Wonders at Mistral square at 06:00 pm.
Aperitif... Artfully! from 05:30 pm at the F. Tabusso art gallery with "Sargalen" in concert.
Sabato 3 agosto doppio appuntamento a cura di Ars Rubiana con l'inaugurazione di due mostre.
Feast of Our Lady of the Snows in Bar Cenisio.
From 05:00 pm to 06:30 pm at the courtyard of the school "The little creatives" for families with children 1-3 …
Friendship dinner at 07:30 pm at via Maestra.
Dinner under the stars.
Feast of Madonna del Rocciamelone.
Friday, August 2 at 05:30 pm at the logistics base presentation of the books by Antonio Graziosi “La bambina delle masche” and …
Friday, August 2 at 04:00 pm at the City Library presentation of the book by Nicoletta Molinero STORIE RUMOROSE PER TEMPI VELOCI.
"Istanti selvaggi" exhibition by Alessandro Perron at the Casa della Salute.
Saturday, August 3 at 04:00 pm at the City Library "Unusual green" with Enrica Guglielmotto.
Saturday, August 3 at 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste presentation of the book by Franco Bocca “La Torino del …
On August 22 at 08:30 am at the Rochemolles Valley Historical and naturalistic excursion "DISCOVERING THE MILITARY WORKS OF THE ALPINE …
At the Palazzo delle Feste photo exhibition by Vittorio Palma “Astro Landscapes – Moon, Stars and Landscapes...".
Monday, August 5 at 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste presentation of the book by Andrea Dematteis “Il segreto della Vecchia …
Exhibition by the artist Vik Muniz with Gian Enzo Sperone.
At the City Library at 04:00 pm readings and workshops for children with Alessandra.
At Vittorio Amedeo square Lake Lavender market.
Celebration on the Mass at the chapel of the Fraiteve Mount at 11:00 am.
Prevention Day from 09:00 am to 12:00 pm at Le Terre al Confine Ecomuseum.
Soccer course for boys and girls 5-12 years old from 03:00 pm.
On August 22 at 09:00 pm at the Logistics Base mountain film screening È L’AMOR CHE MI ROVINA (1951).
Mostra di pittura "Arte, sulle tracce dei Marrons" all'ecomuseo Le Terre al Confine.
Summer market with typical products, agricultural producers and artisans.
Camminata escursionistica sui siti del territorio a cura di Laura Antiquario.
On August 22 at 03:00 pm at the City Library comic book workshop with Roberto Gagnor.
On Sunday, August 25, at the 1508 meters of the Sacrario della Vaccherezza in Condove, the sixteen young partisans of …
At the parish hall Animalia exhibition by Palaia and Venturino.
Partisan walk through the streets of Oulx with illustrations of episodes and characters linked to the Resistance in collaboration with …
Friday, August 23 at 04:00 pm at the City Library presentation of the book by Alice Basso “Una festa in nero”.
At the parish hall Animalia exhibition by Palaia and Venturino.
At 03:00 pm at the City Library Knitting and crocheting in the mountains with Katia Ribetto.
Presentation of the book “Viaggio in Italia - 70 anni dopo Guido Piovene" on Saturday, August 24 at 05:00 pm at …
From August 23 to 25 at the Logistics Base Bardonoir literary festival.
In barca sulla rasa at 02:00 pm: build your own little boat and sail it down the main road.
Beverdì from 07:30 pm at the multipurpose center. Fun, cocktail and music by dj Melo.
Tennis tournament for children 9-15 years old at 10:00 am at the Action Olympic Park in Sansicario.
Crocetta Più market at Kandahar square.
Trekking with a stay in the Certosa of Montebenedetto guesthouse.
Information meeting "Warming with wood: what you need to know!"
Tennis tournament for adults at the Action Olympic Park in Sansicario.
At 2 giugno library at 04:45 pm workshop for children 4-10 years old.
Padel tournament at the Action Olympic Park at Sansicario.
Saturday, August 24 at 04:00 pm at the City library At the table with the authors.
Andrea Casta "The space Violin" Dance Experience from 09:00 pm at Fraiteve square.
Saturday, August 10 at 09:00 pm at the Formont hall presentation of the book UNA VITA IN ALTO by Sara Simeoni.
Altenote on August 12 at the ex cinema Sansipario at Sansicario Alto at 04:30 pm and at 06:00 pm.
At the church of Sant'Edoardo at 04:00 pm and 06:45 pm string trio and bassoon in concert.
Saturday, August 24 and Sunday, August 25 "Artists in Rochemolles".
At the church of San Restituto at 04:30 pm and 06:00 pm Cavour quartet in concert.
At the recreation room of the parish church at 04:30 pm and 07:00 pm wind quintet of Obiettivo Orchestra in …
At Val Gravio refuge in San Giorio di Susa “Marta e Olmo” on Saturday, August 24 at 09:00 pm.
From August 24 to August 31 BARDONECCHIA INTENSIVE SUMMER DANCE - 15th edition.
At Val Gravio refuge in San Giorio di Susa “Dimma e Kalila” at 06:00 pm.
On Friday 23 August, the Sestriere Ski Club is organising the Colle stage of the “Mini Olympics”, a fun-sporting event …
Saturday, August 24 and Sunday, August 25 from 09:30 am to 07:30 pm at Mons. Bellando square Traveling fair of Piedmontese …
Double excursion in the Gran Bosco di Salbertrand Natural Park with the guides Laura Matta and Massimiliano Pons.
At Val Gravio refuge in San Giorio di Susa “Francesco, il Lupo e il Principe di Siddharta” at 06:00 pm.
Muscle awakening at the Castle every Saturday from 08:30 am to 09:30 am.
D’Amou a d’Aval walk in Salbertrand.
Friday, August 23 at 06:00 pm at Scacco Matto bar presentation of the Cahier n. 32 of Colombano Romean Ecomuseum "Arcadia …
Saturday, August 24 at 09:00 pm at the headquarter of Gran Bosco di Salbertrand natural park thematic meeting dedicated to scientific research …
Gathering of Vespe Piaggio from 05:30 pm at Garambois square.
Sunday, September 1 at 09:00 pm Sheliak Trio will perform music by M. Ravel and F. Schubert; Monday, September 2 at 09:00 pm …
La Chiesa di San Pietro è aperta tutte le domeniche fino a fine ottobre con il seguente orario: 10.00 – …
The Magic of Books at Mistral square at 06:00 pm.
Traditional market at the pine forest in Beaulard.
Chess Tournament at Garambois square.
In the center of the village at 03:00 pm, a cultural meeting on the 60th anniversary of the Pierremenaud-Chateau road …
"Istanti selvaggi" exhibition by Alessandro Perron at the Casa della Salute.
At Scacco Matto bar at 09:00 pm CAI conferences.
Saturday, August 10 observation evening, even with telescopes, from “La Darbunera” at Pietracassa.
From July 28 to August 25, every Sunday from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM, the volunteers of the Associazione Jonas …
On Saturday, December 7 at 06:00 pm at Magnetto theater “La Prima” from the Teatro alla Scala in Milan will be …
Cardiovascular Prevention Day. From 10:30 am to 04:00 pm at Colle del Sestriere measurement of blood pressure, saturation, blood sugar, cholesterol.
From July 28 to August 25, every Sunday from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM, the volunteers of the Associazione Jonas …
At Scacco Matto bar at 09:00 pm CAI conferences.
From July 28 to August 25, every Sunday from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM, the volunteers of the Associazione Jonas …
On Sunday, December 8 at 04:30 pm at the church of S. Maria Maggiore "Advent, Advent – Waiting for Christmas".
"The Thousand and One Nights - Characters, perfumes, colors, delights of a mythical Orient" exhibition at the ex church of …
Bertram Derthona once again chooses Sauze d’Oulx as the summer location for its retreat.
Ferrari and Supercar Rally.
From July 28 to August 25, every Sunday from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM, the volunteers of the Associazione Jonas …
At 08:30 pm at the at the Tempio Evangelico Battista Opera concert with artists from the Teatro Regio of Turin.
Exhibition by Pier Flavio Gallina at the tourist office. Opening hours: 10:00 am-01:00 pm and 02:30 pm-07:00 pm.
"Istanti selvaggi" exhibition by Alessandro Perron at the Casa della Salute.
At the art gallery "Il segno diventa materia" sculpture and painting exhibition by Gabriele Garbolino Ru' and Elena Monaco.
At 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste presentation of the book by Antonella Filippi “Andrea Filippi, il sogno di una …
At the art gallery "Il segno diventa materia" sculpture and painting exhibition by Gabriele Garbolino Ru' and Elena Monaco.
At the art gallery "Il segno diventa materia" sculpture and painting exhibition by Gabriele Garbolino Ru' and Elena Monaco.
At 09:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste RIBOT IL MAGNIFICO.
At 10:30 am visit to the parish church of Sant’Ippolito with Antonella Filippi.
At 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste presentation of the book by Edoardo Tripodi and Maurizia Rinaldi “I treni ospedale in Italia nel …
At 09:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste Gran galà dell'Opera.
Wednesday, August 7 at 04:00 pm at the Logistic base workshop.
August 8 at 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste conference "US ELECTIONS – OPEN SCENARIOS" with Lorenzo Pregliasco – director …
At 04:00 pm at the City Library meetings with Simone Siviero, Environmental, hiking guide and writer.
Friday, August 9 at 09:00 pm at the church of Sant’Antonio Abate SACRED MOUNTAINS OF PIEDMONT: VARALLO SESIA.
At 04:00 pm at the City Library meeting with Simone Siviero, Environmental, hiking guide and writer "Off we go! Seed dispersal".
Friday, August 9 at 09:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste screening of photographs “Trekking in Nepal”.
Feast of San Lorenzo and market Saturday, August 10 at Borgata Les Arnauds.
Saturday, August 10 at 03:30 pm at the City Library "Autobiography as self-care", writing workshop.
CON QUELLA FACCIA UN PO’ COSÌ – Scena 1312 Music & Theater Saturday, August 10 at 09:00 pm | Palazzo delle Feste.
Dinner in red and white at 07:30 pm at De Gasperi square.
Concert with musics by Mozart, Rossini and Verdi at 04:00 pm and 06:45 pm at the parish church of San Giovanni Battista.
Presentation of the book CON LA VIOLENZA SI RISOLVE TUTTO by Renato Minutolo.
Meeting with Matteo Bassetti at 09:00 pm at the conferences hall of the tourist office.
Opening of the Conte Verde castle with visits accompanied by volunteers.
The Pellegrina Bike Marathon, an unmissable event for cycling enthusiasts, now in its fourth edition, returns to the picturesque streets …
At Palazzo delle Feste THE BUTTON IN ART AND MEDIEVAL FIGURES exhibition.
From July 28 to August 25, every Sunday from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM, the volunteers of the Associazione Jonas …
At 08:30 pm The Way of the Wolves, the walk based on the novel by Charles the Great which narrates the …
On December 5 at 08:30 pm at Ricetto per l’Arte – Agorà della Valsusa an evening between mountains and roots in the …
The Bardonecchia library celebrates the national week BORN TO READ with children from 0 to 5 years old and their …
On the night of the Sacra, you will be accompanied by a guide to discover the legends, characters and symbols …
ASD IRIDE of Rivoli organizes the Marathon along the Piedmontese Via Francigena which, starting from Avigliana, will arrive in Susa …
At 04:00 pm afternoon walk “Assault on the fort, once upon a time Serre la Garde” which tells the story of …
Friday, November 29 at 04:00 pm at the City Library reading group.
At Scacco Matto bar at 09:00 pm CAI conferences.
On Sunday 1st September it will be possible to visit the Roman villa of Almese again after the summer break.
The Dragon Festival returns for the second consecutive year to Avigliana for the sixth edition of the Valsusina fair of …
"LibroFoglia" workshop with Valentina Bollo from 03:00 pm to 05:00 pm at the library.
Patronal Feast of San Giovanni Vincenzo.
Guided tours to ex dinamitificio Nobel museum every second Sunday of the month at 10:30 am.
On Saturday, December 7 at 05:30 pm at the tourist office award ceremony for the first five participants of the …
"The Thousand and One Nights - Characters, perfumes, colors, delights of a mythical Orient" exhibition at the ex church of …
Sunday, September 8 at 04:30 at the church of Santa Maria in Borgo Vecchio ”Walt, Vut, Wina - In waltz time", a musical …
"The Thousand and One Nights - Characters, perfumes, colors, delights of a mythical Orient" exhibition at the ex church of …
On Saturday, September 1 at 09:00 pm at the castle of Adelaide "Mysteries and magic".
At Fassino cinema at 06:15 pm and at 09:15 pm "IL GLADIATORE II".
Christmas Tree Lighting at 06:00 pm atb Fraiteve square.
The adrenaline is ready to be unleashed with the seventh edition of "Poolarama", the skateboarding competition that returns to Almese …
"LibroFoglia" workshop with Valentina Bollo from 03:00 pm to 05:00 pm at the library.
Thursday, August 29 in Bardonecchia guided hiking to discover the ZSC Les Arnauds Punta Quattro Sorelle with Susanna Mozzatto.
"LibroFoglia" workshop with Valentina Bollo from 03:00 pm to 05:00 pm at the library.
Mushrooms and berries are wonderful creatures that adorn the forest with their shapes and wonderful colors. Expert naturalists will be …
On Saturday, August 31 "Discovering Val Fredda" with the guides Laura Matta and Fabrizio Burzio talking about predators of yesterday and today: arrivals, …
Sunday, September 1 at 03:30 pm L'AMOR CHE MOVE IL SOLE E L'ALTRE STELLE, concert with DiVento Canto choir.
Painting exhibition by Antonia Bagnato at the Certosa di Montebenedetto.
Guided excursion to discover the Xerothermic Oases of the Susa Valley in Chianocco.
On the occasion of the Novalesa Potato and Toma Fair, a cultural walk in the center of Novalesa.
On the occasion of the Francigena Marathon, guided tour of the historic center of Avigliana, orange flag and medieval village …
On the occasion of the Potato and Toma Fair of Novalesa, excursion to discover the Royal Road between Novalesa and …
At 05:00 pm at Fraiteve cinema Fisi AOC Ski Club party, 2023/2024 season awards ceremony.
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
Living in the mountain villages was a simple and authentic life experience, immersed in nature and tied to the rhythms …
On the occasion of Meliga Day, guided tour of the medieval village of Sant’Ambrogio di Torino, a fortified town whose remains …
Saturday, September 7 at 4:30 pm inauguration of the 11th edition of «Fiabe e Boschi. Biennale Francesco Tabusso» at the …
Novalesa Summer Vertical memorial "Tullio Faletti".
"LibroFoglia" workshop with Valentina Bollo from 03:00 pm to 05:00 pm at the library.
Celebration of Colle del Sestriere - Monument to the Resistance, Colle del Sestriere - Monument to the Resistance, resistance meeting in memory …
"Last Call for the Summer", Gofri Aperitif at the intermediate station of the Sestriere-Fraiteve cable car.
8th Vespolenta – 1th Memorial Riccardo Barbier.
Saturday, September 14 at 09:00 pm at the Sacra di San Michele: Don Giovanni by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Opening / guided tours to the Borgo di San Mauro.
At 09:00 pm Angeli di Strada in concert at the tensile structure in the courtyard of the municipal gym.
Opening / guided tours to the Borgo di San Mauro.
Muscle awakening at the Castle every Saturday from 08:30 am to 09:30 am.
Parade of tractors and earthmoving machines at 06:00 pm in the streets of the village.
On the occasion of the Potato and Toma Fair of Novalesa, guided tour of the magnificent Benedictine Abbey of Saints …
On Sunday, March 2 at 03:30 pm at the Ricetto per l’Arte – Agorà della Valsusa opening of the photo …
Thursday, September 26 9.30am-3pm at the headquarters of the Unione Montana Valle Susa in Bussoleno (via Trattenero 15) Job fair.
Saturday, September 21 themed visit to the Ex dinamitificio Nobel museum: "Why and how the ecomuseum was born. Expansion and growth".
St. Peter's Church is open every Sunday until the end of October from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm together with the …
At Fassino cinema on Saturday, November 23 at 06:15 pm and at 09:15 pm, on Sunday, November 24 at 05:30 …
St. Peter's Church is open every Sunday until the end of October from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm together with the …
St. Peter's Church is open every Sunday until the end of October from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm together with the …
St. Peter's Church is open every Sunday until the end of October from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm together with the …
St. Peter's Church is open every Sunday until the end of October from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm together with the …
St. Peter's Church is open every Sunday until the end of October from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm together with the …
St. Peter's Church is open every Sunday until the end of October from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm together with the …
At the Alveare Verde park in Avigliana from 02:30 pm Gingerfest: art stands, afternoon workshops and concerts.
St. Peter's Church is open every Sunday until the end of October from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm together with the …
St. Peter's Church is open every Sunday until the end of October from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm together with the …
Al parco Robinson alle ore 21 Giò Evan in "Moksa Bar" - Borgate dal Vivo.
Feast of Sant'Andrea at borgata Amazas.
At the Casa della Salute on Saturday, September 7 at 03:00 pm opening of "The crazy cocktail for true heroes" exhibition …
Sustainability Festival at the Alveare Verde park with cultural, practical and recreational events dedicated to the environment and sustainability.
Also this year the Municipality of Almese is preparing to say goodbye to the summer season and welcome the autumn …
At Fassino cinema at 03:30 pm "Buffalo Kids" movie.
Special appointment at the Fassino cinema with the films “Despicable Me 4” and “Madame Clicquot”.
Also this year the Municipality of Almese is preparing to say goodbye to the summer season and welcome the autumn …
An excursion on the Sentiero dei Ginepri di Foresto immersed in an extraordinary natural landscape: marble banks, Mediterranean plants, all …
Iniziative a cura dei Comuni, degli enti e delle associazioni culturali nei siti archeologici in occasione della XV Giornata del …
Christmas Market of “C’entro” at the tourist office.
The fourth edition of Magnalonga. The non-competitive food and wine walk, organized by the Famija ed Drubiaij association together with …
Also this year the Municipality of Almese is preparing to say goodbye to the summer season and welcome the autumn …
Photo exhibition "Jazz... e non solo" by Gianni Pino at the Casa della Salute.
Iniziative a cura dei Comuni, degli enti e delle associazioni culturali nei siti archeologici in occasione della XV Giornata del …
SOMS Art - Star of the Poor in Avigliana, Via Porta Ferrata 7 from 03:00 pm to 06:00 pm.
Also this year the Municipality of Almese is preparing to say goodbye to the summer season and welcome the autumn …
Wednesday, November 20 at 09:00 pm at Fassino theater “Chorus Noctis” show.
Trekking with a stay in the Certosa of Montebenedetto guesthouse.
Iniziative a cura dei Comuni, degli enti e delle associazioni culturali nei siti archeologici in occasione della XV Giornata del …
Halloween in Caselette.
Nell’ambito del ricco programma della 25ª edizione di “Arte, Artigianato, Musica e …Siole Pien-e”, sabato 5 ottobre alle ore 16:30 …
Also this year the Municipality of Almese is preparing to say goodbye to the summer season and welcome the autumn …
Outdoor proposals by Totalteam Valsusa from August 31 to September 4.
After three editions of Agriflor, Susa is ready to welcome the first appointment with Genepy Day, a whole day dedicated …
Outdoor proposals by Totalteam Valsusa from August 31 to September 4.
Historical reenactment of the Cesana-Sestriere.
On Sunday 8 September, the Ecomuseum Colombano Romean in Salbertrand will stage the theatrical visit "Ice Vapours", curated by the …
On the occasion of the International Day against Gender Violence, on Saturday, November 23 from 02:30 pm to 05:30 pm …
Guided excursion in Thuras Valley with the guide Marion Vaglio Tessitore.
Meeting at 09:30 am in Bousson (Cesana Torinese).
Excursion in the Gran Bosco di Salbertrand Natural Park with the Alpi Cozie Parks Guide Laura Matta, to experience the …
Iniziative a cura dei Comuni, degli enti e delle associazioni culturali nei siti archeologici in occasione della XV Giornata del …
Excursion in the Gran Bosco di Salbertrand Natural Park with the Alpi Cozie Parks Guide Laura Matta, to experience the …
CAMALEONTIKA theatre review in Almese.
With eight shows between December 14, 2024 and May 10, 2025 at the Magnetto …
Christmas Market in the splendid setting of the historic city center. Hobbyists, artisans and entertainment to accompany us in the …
On Sunday, March 2 at 03:30 pm at the Ricetto per l’Arte – Agorà della Valsusa opening of the photo …
Excursion in the Gran Bosco di Salbertrand Natural Park with the Alpi Cozie Parks Guide Laura Matta, to experience the …
CAMALEONTIKA theatre review in Almese.
With eight shows between December 14, 2024 and May 10, 2025 at the Magnetto …
Guided excursion in the woods with the Alpi Cozie Parks Guide, Chiara Bellando, listening to the roar, an ancestral sound …
Saturday, September 28 at Pavaglione - Chianocco at 03:00 pm market of typical products of Alpi Cozie park.
Guided excursion in the woods with the Alpi Cozie Parks Guide, Chiara Bellando, listening to the roar, an ancestral sound …
Tuesday, September 24 at 9 pm at the Rifugio Toesca, in the Orsiera Rocciavrè Park, conference by park ranger Luca …
At the church of San Rocco "Luce e Colore. Omaggio a Silvio Brunetto" exhibition. Opening on Saturday, September 7 at 04:00 …
On Sunday, September 8 at 5:00 pm, the evocative setting of the Adelaide Castle in Susa will host a new …
Excursion to the Sacra di San Michele along the 503 mule track route with the possibility of visiting the interior …
From September 11 to 15, “Gusto di Meliga” returns to Chiusa di San Michele, the great event that celebrates local …
Sunday, September 15 at 04:30 pm at the parish church Santa Maria in Borgo Vecchio "Beyond the windmills" concert with Sara …
SportiAMO, the event dedicated to the sports offerings of Susa and its surroundings returns to the City of Adelaide.
In …
Nell’ambito del ricco programma della 25ª edizione di “Arte, Artigianato, Musica e …Siole Pien-e”, sabato 5 ottobre alle ore 16:30 …
Presentation of the book “Cuore d’Oro” by Giulia Vola, at 06:00 pm at the tourist office.
At 06:00 pm at Fraiteve cinema Banda ANA Val Susa in concert.
Starting from Saturday 14th September the appointments at the library (via IV Novembre 19) from 10:30 for girls and boys …
CAMALEONTIKA theatre review in Almese.
With eight shows between December 14, 2024 and May 10, 2025 at the Magnetto …
Christmas Workshops: Come and create your own decoration, for parents and children between 5 and 11 years old.
Nell’ambito del ricco programma della 25ª edizione di “Arte, Artigianato, Musica e …Siole Pien-e”, sabato 5 ottobre alle ore 16:30 …
At 04:30 pm at the City Library every Saturday readings for children.
Starting from Saturday 14th September the appointments at the library (via IV Novembre 19) from 10:30 for girls and boys …
On the occasion of International Women's Day, a special screening dedicated to the stories, challenges and successes of women. At …
On the occasion of the Centenary of the Matteotti Crime (1924-2024), on Friday, December 20, at 6 pm, the “Enrico …
From 05:00 pm to 09:00 pm An evening in Drubiaglio with Santa Claus!
Nell’ambito del ricco programma della 25ª edizione di “Arte, Artigianato, Musica e …Siole Pien-e”, sabato 5 ottobre alle ore 16:30 …
Starting from Saturday 14th September the appointments at the library (via IV Novembre 19) from 10:30 for girls and boys …
On Sunday 15 September it will be possible to visit the Roman villa of Almese and the Roman villa of …
Sunday, September 15 at 6 pm, following the free guided tours, the Ar.c.A. Association of Almese, with the patronage of …
Saturday 14 September at 5 pm Ars Rubiana will host the Gruppo Mandolinistico Torinese. A unique opportunity to listen to …
Nativity scenes from around the world in the Santa Elisabetta room.
After the summer break, the Prehistory laboratory museum reopens with the usual guided tours between the woods and the museum, …
Photographic exhibition "One hundred years, one hundred trips" at Casa Aschieri.
The city of Susa is ready to reveal its most ancient mysteries with the project "Susa Unveiled: Tales and Shadows …
On Saturday, September 14, in the splendid setting of the square in front of the Ricetto per l'Arte - Agorà …
Sagra Valsusina del Marrone – 62ª edizione.
Santa Claus on the streets of Colle.
The documentary film "AMBIN, THE ROCK AND THE FEATHER" directed by Fredo Valla (produced by Chambra d’òc for Unione Montana …
Third appointment of “Fuoco Sacro”, the new series of meetings at the Preceptory of Sant’Antonio di Ranverso on stories, books …
Friday, September 13, from 9.15 pm, fifteenth appointment, for the Associazione Astrofili Segusini, for the International Observe the Moon Night …
On Saturday, March 8 at 04:00 pm at the council hall "Giuseppina Leone, a tarnished medal". With Gabriella Venturino and Pier Paolo …
At the church of San Rocco "Luce e Colore. Omaggio a Silvio Brunetto" exhibition. Opening on Saturday, September 7 at 04:00 …
The magic of Exilles Città returns to animate the village of Exilles with the eighteenth edition.
At the Casa della Salute on Saturday, September 7 at 03:00 pm opening of "The crazy cocktail for true heroes" exhibition …
At 5 pm at the multipurpose center (via Roma 4) Mauro Carena presents his latest book "Muovere le montagne".
Deer bellowing and dinner at the refuge. Easy excursion to discover the places where the King of the Woods lives. …
The event, which will take place in the charming courtyard of Adelaide Castle, will allow participants to get closer to …
Deer bellowing and dinner at the refuge. Easy excursion to discover the places where the King of the Woods lives. …
Sulla scia del successo nazionale e internazionale del film d’esordio alla regia Gloria ! – vincitore de Il Nastro d’Argento …
The Civic Library "Giorgio Calcagno" of Almese inaugurates a new edition of the Book Club, entitled "Food and Surroundings". A …
At the Casa della Salute on Saturday, September 7 at 03:00 pm opening of "The crazy cocktail for true heroes" exhibition …
CAMALEONTIKA theatre review in Almese.
With eight shows between December 14, 2024 and May 10, 2025 at the Magnetto …
34th edition of the Chestnut Festival.
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation of possible …
At the Casa della Salute on Saturday, September 7 at 03:00 pm opening of "The crazy cocktail for true heroes" exhibition …
CAMALEONTIKA theatre review in Almese.
With eight shows between December 14, 2024 and May 10, 2025 at the Magnetto …
The Civic Library "Giorgio Calcagno" of Almese inaugurates a new edition of the Book Club, entitled "Food and Surroundings". A …
At the church of San Rocco "Luce e Colore. Omaggio a Silvio Brunetto" exhibition. Opening on Saturday, September 7 at 04:00 …
The Healing Walk: From Witch Physics to Modern Medicine. A nature walk to discover witch medicine and other curiosities.
Sunday, October 20 we propose a guided excursion to discover the autumn colors accompanied by the Alpi Cozie Parks Guide …
Murals, street art and tastings. Accompanied by the tourist guide ValeLaGuida, Valentina Calliero, an experiential walk begins to discover the …
On the afternoon of September 28, the environmental hiking guide Mori's walk will lead an excursion in the Almese territory …
CAMALEONTIKA theatre review in Almese.
With eight shows between December 14, 2024 and May 10, 2025 at the Magnetto …
Have you ever tried using the tools used in prehistory? Do you know how to light a fire by rubbing …
At the Casa della Salute on Saturday, September 7 at 03:00 pm opening of "The crazy cocktail for true heroes" exhibition …
The Prehistoric Laboratory Museum of Vaie awaits you with 4 Sunday appointments, the last Sunday of the month, dedicated to …
Piedmont Alpine and Speleological Rescue Torchlight Procession - 70 years of service on the Vialattea slopes at Colle del Sestriere, …
On Friday, September 27 at 9 pm in the parish church of Almese the first concert of the "Autumn Music" …
CAMALEONTIKA theatre review in Almese.
With eight shows between December 14, 2024 and May 10, 2025 at the Magnetto …
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a meeting dedicated to the “Megalomartiri” …
Christmas Workshops: Come and create your own decoration, for parents and children between 5 and 11 years old.
Il Ricetto per l’Arte – Agorà della Valsusa presents the 4th edition of “MORPHO, red butterfly”, an interactive and multidisciplinary …
The itinerary "On the Owls' path", through games and fun, wants to reveal to participants a small enchanted corner full …
On the occasion of the Autumn Fair, a proposal that combines nature, traditions and art. Starting from the historic center …
Miller, where are you?
(Activity for families, from 2 to 5 years old)
The town of Bussoleno is home to …
An unprecedented musical initiative that will take place over 2 days with a first concert on Friday 20/09 at the …
The itinerary “Medieval life and ancient mills”, through a fun treasure hunt, aims to reveal to participants the medieval history …
The exhibition is conceived as an immersive installation resulting from the synergy of a local community in dialogue with the …
This year, the Novalesa Potato and Toma Fair reaches its 20th edition, which will be held on Sunday, September 22 …
On Sunday, September 22, the 8th edition of the Lumberjacks' Festival will take place in the centre of Rubiana.
VII edition of the “Agnese Milani” Painting Award. The initiative aims to promote art, sociality and the territory, with particular …
La Famija e Drubiaij Odv ed il gruppo Ecovolontari di Avigliana con il patrocinio dei comuni di Avigliana, Reano e …
Iniziative a cura dei Comuni, degli enti e delle associazioni culturali nei siti archeologici in occasione della XV Giornata del …
At the parish church of Sant'Egidio at 09:00 pm four choirs with heterogeneous musical genres will take turns, offering a rich …
Iniziative a cura dei Comuni, degli enti e delle associazioni culturali nei siti archeologici in occasione della XV Giornata del …
Iniziative a cura dei Comuni, degli enti e delle associazioni culturali nei siti archeologici in occasione della XV Giornata del …
Iniziative a cura dei Comuni, degli enti e delle associazioni culturali nei siti archeologici in occasione della XV Giornata del …
Iniziative a cura dei Comuni, degli enti e delle associazioni culturali nei siti archeologici in occasione della XV Giornata del …
Alle 16 nella chiesa di San Saturnino evento "Pietre e radici. Una nuova vita per San Saturnino".
Saturday evening at the Adelaide Castle in Susa will be dedicated to the End of Summer Festival, an event that …
“All Wars Are Alike”: A Cultural Review to Reflect on Conflicts Over Time. Friday, November 22 in Venaus at 08:30 …
Iniziative a cura dei Comuni, degli enti e delle associazioni culturali nei siti archeologici in occasione della XV Giornata del …
Friday, November 22 at 09:00 pm at the Italy 150 Hall, as part of the regional awareness project on the short …
Iniziative a cura dei Comuni, degli enti e delle associazioni culturali nei siti archeologici in occasione della XV Giornata del …
Polenta e dintorni returns on Sunday, October 6 in Piazza Cavour from 9am to 6pm.
Sunday, November 24 at 03:00 pm at the multipurpose center presentation of the book "Arbahaië dë Voues ân modâ Vëno" by Ettore …
Nel fine settimana tornerà l'evento regionale “Agrotech – La tecnologia incontra l'agricoltura”, organizzato dai Gruppi Fai Giovani di Piemonte e …
Iniziative a cura dei Comuni, degli enti e delle associazioni culturali nei siti archeologici in occasione della XV Giornata del …
The Civic Library "Giorgio Calcagno" of Almese inaugurates a new edition of the Book Club, entitled "Food and Surroundings". A …
At 06:30 pm and at 09:15 pm at Fassino cinema "Pericolosamente vicini" documentary.
Iniziative a cura dei Comuni, degli enti e delle associazioni culturali nei siti archeologici in occasione della XV Giornata del …
Have you ever tried using the tools used in prehistory? Do you know how to light a fire by rubbing …
Christmas Workshops: Come and create your own decoration, for parents and children between 5 and 11 years old.
Iniziative a cura dei Comuni, degli enti e delle associazioni culturali nei siti archeologici in occasione della XV Giornata del …
Wednesday, November 27 at 09:00 pm at Magnetto theater "The other medal", an evening with Lorenzo Bernard, Bronze medal at the Paralympics, Giovanni …
At 04:00 pm at the multipurpose center Autum concert.
At 05:30 pm at the playground.
Seminar: snow, avalanches and safety in snowy environments. Preparatory to the subsequent phases of practical training in self-rescue in avalanches.
On November 28 at 08:45 pm at the Cultural Center presentation of the book by Gianni Oliva "Il pendio dei noci".
Free and open to all (skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing), “Safety day” dedicated to safety in snowy terrain, which will officially kick …
Iniziative a cura dei Comuni, degli enti e delle associazioni culturali nei siti archeologici in occasione della XV Giornata del …
On Sunday, October 6 in San Didero, within the “Sagra dij Cisi” (Chickpea Festival), in the multipurpose room in Piazza …
Halloween party at the multipurpose center.
The Paste ‘d Melia ‘d Sant'Ambreus are the protagonists of the Meliga Day, whose sixteenth edition is scheduled for Saturday …
The journey is the central theme of the itinerant narration, scheduled for Saturday, September 28 at 9 pm at the …
The Swim with Champions training day will take place on Saturday, September 28 from 8:30 to 12:30 on Lago Grande …
On Saturday, September 28 at 8.30pm at the Sacra di San Michele there will be a concert of sacred music …
The Bionda Piatta onion of Drubiaglio, a Slow Food presidium, is presented in Piazza Conte Rosso. Off Event of Terra …
Tenth edition of “Culture with Open Doors”. The program includes the extraordinary opening of monasteries, churches, parish churches, sanctuaries and …
The cultural evenings at the Scacco Matto bar continue. On September 28th at 9 pm "From Siberia to China by …
On the occasion of the European Heritage Days and the All Around 2024 Drawing Festival, on Saturday 28 September the …
On Sunday, September 29, at 5:00 pm, the Cumalè Cultural Association inaugurates, with the patronage of the Municipality of Almese, …
Iniziative a cura dei Comuni, degli enti e delle associazioni culturali nei siti archeologici in occasione della XV Giornata del …
The Sagra dij Cisi di San Didero returns to animate the municipality of the lower Susa Valley on Sunday, October …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
SOMS Art - Star of the Poor in Avigliana, Via Porta Ferrata 7 from 03:00 pm to 06:00 pm.
Alfredo d’Andrade was an architect and painter of Portuguese origins. He was part of the Rivara School and was among …
On Sunday, October 6 it will be possible to visit the Roman Villa of Almese and the Roman Villa of …
Outdoor proposals by Totalteam Valsusa.
Halloween in the square on October 31 at 04:30 pm at Martiri della Libertà square.
Opening of "Anima Mundi" painting exhibition by the artist Jodie Riccardi on Saturday, October 5 at 03:00 pm at the Casa della Salute.
"Anima Mundi" painting exhibition by the artist Jodie Riccardi at the Casa della Salute.
Photo exhibition "Jazz... e non solo" by Gianni Pino at the Casa della Salute.
Light up Christmas with Borgo Nuovo on Sunday, December 15 in Piazza Conte Rosso at 5pm.
“Piemontaste". Tasting, meeting, show at Agnelli square.
The current Fiera Franca del Grand Escarton is the last event in the Alta Valle di Susa closely linked to …
"Anima Mundi" painting exhibition by the artist Jodie Riccardi at the Casa della Salute.
"Anima Mundi" painting exhibition by the artist Jodie Riccardi at the Casa della Salute.
"Anima Mundi" painting exhibition by the artist Jodie Riccardi at the Casa della Salute.
Disability Awareness Day with free events and workshops for the entire community organized by Casa Mistral.
Friday, October 18 at 05:00 pm at the Casa della Salute conference "The radiomics; Not only humans can read X-Ray images" …
On the occasion of the Culture Week promoted by UNI.VO.CA, dedicated to the theme Art will take care of you, …
Excursion with a professional photographer to immortalize the foliage.
On the occasion of the patronal feast of Rivera, from Friday 4 to Sunday 13 October the event “Art, Craft, …
At 10:30 am at the City Library Christmas readings for children 3-10 years old with Alessandra.
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
The 13th Day of the Historical Linguistic Minorities Occitan, Franco-Provençal, French.
Local artists exhibition at Adelaide Castle.
In Bussoleno at the Exhibitions hall at 05:00 pm "For an accessible and communicative territory. Autism and neurodivergence: reflections and …
For the first time the city of Susa is participating in the treasure hunt of the Orange Flag municipalities of …
On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Walk in Red: non-competitive walk open …
Local artists exhibition at Adelaide Castle.
From December 15 to January 6 at the castle of Adelaide "Dialogue between Masters" exhibition, that offers an unmissable opportunity to …
On Saturday, October 5, Bussoleno will transform into the beating heart of Piedmontese literature, hosting the Valsusa Book Fair. An …
Walk/run open to all for the awareness and fundraising campaign to support the fight against female cancers.
An exceptional opportunity to combine music, historical religious architecture and charity. Life-Share, a non-profit association of the third sector active …
Excursion in the Gran Bosco di Salbertrand Natural Park with the Alpi Cozie Parks Guide Laura Matta, to experience the …
On Wednesday, November 27 from 05:30 pm to 06:30 pm at the Youth Space "In space with autopilot", a playful educational laboratory …
Have you ever tried using the tools used in prehistory? Do you know how to light a fire by rubbing …
Have you ever tried using the tools used in prehistory? Do you know how to light a fire by rubbing …
Have you ever tried using the tools used in prehistory? Do you know how to light a fire by rubbing …
At 06:30 pm and 09:15 pm at Fassino cinema "Maria Montessori, la nouvelle femme".
Have you ever tried using the tools used in prehistory? Do you know how to light a fire by rubbing …
Two evenings dedicated to your psychophysical well-being to face the arrival of winter. This autumn cycle also includes an easy …
The Missionary Group 10051 organizes the Christmas Market where you can find handmade solidarity gifts.
Nativity scenes from around the world in the Santa Elisabetta room.
Indigo and Sumi – a solo exhibition of Japanese woodcuts curated by Mara Cozzolino.
Two evenings dedicated to your psychophysical well-being to face the arrival of winter. This autumn cycle also includes an easy …
On Saturday, December 7 at 06:30 pm and 09:15 pm and on Sunday, December 8 at 05:30 pm and at …
The mechanical nativity scene curated by the Amici del Presepio Association can be seen in the entrance of the church …
On Sunday, September 29, at 5:00 pm, the Cumalè Cultural Association inaugurates, with the patronage of the Municipality of Almese, …
On Sunday, September 29, at 5:00 pm, the Cumalè Cultural Association inaugurates, with the patronage of the Municipality of Almese, …
Lighting of the Christmas Tree with the participation of the “Santa Claus Band” at Alveare Verde park at 06:00 pm.
Indigo and Sumi – a solo exhibition of Japanese woodcuts curated by Mara Cozzolino.
The Civic Library "Giorgio Calcagno" of Almese inaugurates a new edition of the Book Club, entitled "Food and Surroundings". A …
On Sunday, September 29, at 5:00 pm, the Cumalè Cultural Association inaugurates, with the patronage of the Municipality of Almese, …
On Sunday, September 29, at 5:00 pm, the Cumalè Cultural Association inaugurates, with the patronage of the Municipality of Almese, …
A few years after the last, well attended, edition, the AAS - Associazione Astrofili Segusini proposes for this autumn a …
At the church of San Rocco “La Natura tace – Canti, suoni e fruscii sono la sua voce” exhibition by Vinicio Perugia.
Super Bagna Cauda on Saturday, October 12 at 12:30 pm at San Giuliano.
During the second weekend of October, the Toma Fair returns to Condove, celebrating from a commercial and social point of …
On Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 October 2024, the FAI Autumn Days return for their thirteenth edition, one of the …
Sunday, October 27 at 06:00 pm at the Ciclocucina "Traveling Voices. Experiences and Stories from Cuba!".
A special evening dedicated to the champions of the territory on Wednesday, October 9 at 09:00 pm at the Palatenda …
Concert in honor of Saint Cecilia, patron saint of music, by the Philharmonic “S. Cecilia” of Avigliana.
On Saturday, October 12 from 03:00 pm at the Alveare Verde park the first Associations' Party.
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
Alle ore 21:00 in frazione Melezet – piazza Chiesa S. Antonio Abate accensione dell’albero di Natale accompagnato da dolci melodie …
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
Indigo and Sumi – a solo exhibition of Japanese woodcuts curated by Mara Cozzolino.
Nativity scenes from around the world in the Santa Elisabetta room.
Guided tours to ex dinamitificio Nobel museum every second Sunday of the month at 10:30 am.
The Civic Library "Giorgio Calcagno" of Almese inaugurates a new edition of the Book Club, entitled "Food and Surroundings". A …
Screening of the documentary film “Nobel, an explosive prize” by the director Luigi Cantore, at Fassino theater in Avigliana.
The 2th edition of "Ape ridens” – National Cabaret Competition by Amandoli association, at the Fassino theater at 08:45 pm.
At the church of San Rocco “La Natura tace – Canti, suoni e fruscii sono la sua voce” exhibition by Vinicio Perugia.
Più di 150 presepi illuminati, disseminati nelle frazioni di Rochemolles, Millaures, Le Gleise, Les Arnauds e Melezet, nel Borgo Vecchio e …
At the church of San Rocco “La Natura tace – Canti, suoni e fruscii sono la sua voce” exhibition by Vinicio Perugia.
At the church of San Rocco “La Natura tace – Canti, suoni e fruscii sono la sua voce” exhibition by Vinicio Perugia.
Guided tours to ex dinamitificio Nobel museum every second Sunday of the month at 10:30 am.
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation …
The Municipality of Sestriere and the Pro Loco of Sestriere invite tourists and residents to actively participate, on December 6-7-8, …
The Prehistoric Laboratory Museum of Vaie awaits you with 4 Sunday appointments, the last Sunday of the month, dedicated to …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation …
On Saturday, March 15 from 03:00 pm to 06:00 pm at “Le Terre al Confine” ecomuseum BLSD training course. An important opportunity …
Coerentemente con l’attenzione che da sempre il Valsusa Filmfest dedica alle situazioni di vulnerabilità sociale e ambientale, con la seconda …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation …
Saturday, October 12 at 04:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste meeting to remember the partisan deportees, civilians and soldiers …
World Championship, scheduled from 18 to 20 October, which sees over 600 athletes from Italy, Europe, the United States, Canada …
Sunday, October 20 from 09:00 am to 04:00 pm at the Rho Valley excursion photos by Maria Laura Verdoia.
Sunday, October 13 at 04:30 pm at the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Borgo Vecchio "Hotel Buenos Aires – stanza …
Sunday, October 13 celebration for the Feast of Sant'Edoardo, patron saint of the highest municipality in Italy.
On Sunday, October 13, the Adelaide Castle in Susa will host the finissage of the exhibition “ANTONIO CARENA - VISIONI …
Appointment on Saturday, October 19 dedicated to a fascinating and fundamental theme for the history of the city: the birth …
As part of the Settembre Almesino, on Saturday 19 October at 9 pm the second concert of the "Autumn Music" …
On October 19 and 20, in an unprecedented autumn edition, the engines of racing cars will once again echo on …
As part of the Alcotra BiodivTourAlps project, on Saturday, October 26 at 9 pm at the Rifugio Toesca, in the …
On Sunday, October 20 from 02:30 pm to 05:30 pm it will be possible to visit the Roman villa of …
Community social theater. Biweekly appointment from 01:30 pm to 03:15 pm at the Casa della Salute.
Dance movement meeting with Monica Re at 01:30 pm at the Casa della Salute.
Hidden Wonders & Special Visits from 10:30 to 12:30 in Novalesa, chapel of Santa Maria Maddalena, and at 14:30, 15:30, …
Sunday, October 27 at 05:30 pm at Fassino theater in Avigliana "Il Sindaco Pescatore" theatral show with Ettore Bassi.
Autumn Festival with the traditional chestnut festival.
The festival begins cheerfully with the Mattie Philharmonic Society, an opportunity for children …
On Sunday, December 8 at 08:30 pm at the Sacra di San Michele an extraordinary evening opening and the Christmas Concert …
The itinerary “The Legends of the Castle on the Path of the Nativity Scenes” aims to reveal to participants the …
In the enchanting setting of the Argiassera hamlet, we will meet a friendly storyteller, who through tales and fantastic characters …
At Panassi librerie at 05:00 pm presentation of the book "Un sorriso in braccio. Diario di un'adozione" by Nicoletta Albertalli.
Saturday, October 26 at 10:30 am at "E. De Bartolomei" city library in Susa the "Breakfast with Coraline" reading event for …
Christmas market at Conte Rosso square.
The Susa Valley is rich in traditions and legends, some very well known, others less so, but equally evocative and …
Screening of the documentary film “Nobel, an explosive prize” by the director Luigi Cantore, at Magnetto cinema at 06:30 pm.
We will go to discover the world of the chestnut, on the enchanting path of the Marrone and the Pietra, …
Cinema celebrates the National Gallery on the occasion of the bicentenary of its foundation with “NATIONAL GALLERY 200”, the first …
On Friday, October 25 at 05:00 pm at Primo Levi city library presentation of the book by Edi Bruna and Nello …
A Night at the Museum with A night at the museum with a parade, music, shows and much more.
At 06:30 pm and at 09:15 pm at Fassino cinema "Vermiglio".
La strangera - Literary walk with Marta Aidala on Sunday, October 20 at 10:30 am.
Sunday, November 17 at 04:00 pm at Fassino theater "Prezzemolina e le tre streghe". An ancient musical tale played and sung by …
On the occasion of the "International Day against Violence against Women", torchlight procession.
Saturday, November 30 at 09:00 pm at Fassino theater "Secondo lei", written and directed by Caterina Guzzanti.
At 04:30 pm at the City Library every Saturday readings for children.
Nativity scenes to be enjoyed from 6 pm. Food and wine tour among the competing nativity scenes.
Friday, December 13 at 09:00 pm at Fassino theater "CUORO - Inciampi per sentimentali altissimi" by and with Gioia Salvatori.
Saturday, January 25 at 09:00 pm at Fassino theater "Che ci faccio qui in scena". Domenico Iannacone brings the stories of his …
Masquerade party open to all. Games, prizes and snacks.
Between delicious chestnuts and fun dances, we “open the dance” for the winter season with an original party.
The Valsusa Library System in collaboration with the Cisv Solidarietà cooperative presents "Navigating among books. Let's learn about digital together".
At 04:30 pm at the City Library every Saturday readings for children.
On Sunday, January 5 at 04:00 pm at the multipurpose center winter concert by the Banda Musicale di Novalesa.
Sabato 28 dicembre ore 17:30 Palazzo delle Feste – foyer “Natale a Parigi” – I racconti della Rive Droite e della Rive …
The Valsusa Library System in collaboration with the Cisv Solidarietà cooperative presents "Navigating among books. Let's learn about digital together".
At the Casa della Salute painting exhibition by Delfo Baccon.
On Monday, December 23 at 09:00 pm at the parish church the traditional Christmas event with the polyphonic choir “Mater Ecclesiae”, …
At 04:30 pm at the City Library every Saturday readings for children.
On Sunday, March 23, on the occasion of World Water Day at 03:00 pm cinema at the library in Ferrera Moncenisio and …
The Valsusa Library System in collaboration with the Cisv Solidarietà cooperative presents "Navigating among books. Let's learn about digital together".
The Valsusa Library System in collaboration with the Cisv Solidarietà cooperative presents "Navigating among books. Let's learn about digital together".
The Valsusa Library System in collaboration with the Cisv Solidarietà cooperative presents "Navigating among books. Let's learn about digital together".
The Valsusa Library System in collaboration with the Cisv Solidarietà cooperative presents "Navigating among books. Let's learn about digital together".
Sunday, October 27 at 09:00 pm at the council hall conference "Mythobotany: The Mythology of Plants" with Simone Siviero and Luca …
The Valsusa Library System in collaboration with the Cisv Solidarietà cooperative presents "Navigating among books. Let's learn about digital together".
The Valsusa Library System in collaboration with the Cisv Solidarietà cooperative presents "Navigating among books. Let's learn about digital together".
At the Preceptory of Sant’Antonio di Ranverso in Buttigliera Alta, on October 31 from 09:00 pm "All Saints' Eve in …
At Alveare Verde park from 05:00 pm “Halloween park 2024”: games, chestnuts and mulled wine, lucky fishing, flickering lights, face painting and …
Free-entry meeting series "Let's talk about it with...".
At 04:30 pm at the City Library every Saturday readings for children.
The shopkeepers and traders of Oulx transform via Roma into a “sweet” place with lots of music.
A day to spend in company with many initiatives and fun for adults and children!
Free-entry meeting series "Let's talk about it with...".
Opening / guided tours to the Borgo di San Mauro.
Saturday, November 2 from 09:00 am to 04:00 pm excursion photos by Maria Laura Verdoia.
Orientation fair in Avigliana, Friday, November 22 from 04:00 pm to 07:00 pm at the middle school.
Free-entry meeting series "Let's talk about it with...".
Saturday, November 2 traditional agricultural fair and Sunday, November 3 commercial autumn fair.
On Saturday, October 26 at 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste presentation of the book by Ludovico Marchisio, Roberta …
Christmas parade with wheelbarrows, carts, bikes... decorated for the holidays.
La Proloco Amici di Gravere ha organizzato la 35ª edizione della Festa della Castagna che si terrà nel fine settimana …
A few years after the last, well attended, edition, the AAS - Associazione Astrofili Segusini proposes for this autumn a …
Two days of totally free guided visits and excursions throughout Italy: this is the proposal of the 6th edition of …
A few years after the last, well attended, edition, the AAS - Associazione Astrofili Segusini proposes for this autumn a …
A few years after the last, well attended, edition, the AAS - Associazione Astrofili Segusini proposes for this autumn a …
Two days of totally free guided visits and excursions throughout Italy: this is the proposal of the 6th edition of …
On Sunday, October 27, in the Milanere district of Almese, the tenth edition of the Agricultural-Livestock Fair of Crafts and …
In line with the attention that Valsusa Filmfest has always dedicated to situations of social and environmental vulnerability, with the …
Over the weekend, two events will be held at the Ricetto per l’Arte in Almese.
Mercoledì 30 ottobre alle ore 18.30 all'Unione Montana in via Monginevro 35 "Vuoi fare impresa in Valle?".
Domenica 27 ottobre, con doppio appuntamento alle 16 e alle 18, Borgatta's Factory e Alberto Borgatta racconteranno di Bohr / Heisenberg …
A Mountain of Fear in Ferrera Moncenisio. We celebrate Halloween with lots of activities!
Sunday, October 27, starting at 3pm, an afternoon full of initiatives for all tastes and all ages!
On Sunday, December 8 at 11:30 am and at 03:00 pm at the Preceptory of Sant’Antonio di Ranverso two narrated visits entitled …
A blind date in the name of history and archaeology with "Avigliana by Night" on October 31 from 08:15 pm …
Halloween party from 8pm to midnight in via Traforo, via Fontan and piazza della Stazione.
At the G.A. Levis art gallery, activities for adults, schools and families.
At the Casa della Salute painting exhibition by Delfo Baccon.
At the G.A. Levis art gallery, activities for adults, schools and families.
The highlight of this edition is scheduled for Saturday, March 22 in Bardonecchia, organized to celebrate the 40th anniversary of …
At the Casa della Salute painting exhibition by Delfo Baccon.
On March 20 at the cinema in Condove, Matteo Della Bordella, one of the strongest Italian climbers, will present "Odyssea …
At the G.A. Levis art gallery, activities for adults, schools and families.
At G. A. Levis art gallery "Discover Levis with the family". Laboratory activities for families with children aged 3 to 12 …
On Saturday, December 28 at 05:30 pm at the headquarter of Gran Bosco di Salbertrand natural park MIMNESKO - "L'ETOUNANTË ISTOUARË DLA …
At the Casa della Salute painting exhibition by Delfo Baccon.
At G. A. Levis art gallery "Discover Levis with the family". Laboratory activities for families with children aged 3 to 12 …
At Casa Betania at 05:30 pm "Women in the Resistance and the Margone Hospital" with Maria Elisa Borgis and Aurora Tabone.
At 11am in Piazza Martiri della Libertà / Via Roma, the new small square in Via Roma will be named …
On October 31 at 05:30 pm a Halloween treasure hunt and monster walk through the village streets.
The Cesana Sansicario Ski & Snowboard School is organizing “Trick or Treat”: wear your Halloween costume and stop by the …
From 05:30 pm to 07:30 pm at Pognante park Halloween party. During the evening there will be a contest for the …
Walk in pink at the castle of Adelaide. Start at 08:15 am.
Adelaide Castle awaits you on October 31st for a thrilling evening of legends and mysteries… Witches, monks and ancient inhabitants …
Extraordinary opening of the cemetery of San Pietro for the feast of All Saints from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm.
The 5th edition of "Sauze... che Babbo" will see Santa Claus and the Befana as protagonists, united for a Saturday …
Friday, November 1 at the Palazzo delle Feste "Looks and words about foliage".
On Saturday, November 2 at 03:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste Creative Writing Workshop with Raffaella Guida.
At the Casa della Salute painting exhibition by Delfo Baccon.
At 05:30 pm at the conferences hall of the tourist office "Clean Alp - Of mountains, wonders and underwear".
Have you ever tried using the tools used in prehistory? Do you know how to light a fire by rubbing …
Ice Night: party with delicacies to taste and drink, music and entertainment for everyone.
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation …
At 09:00 pm at the teatro d'Ou "Sunshine Gospel Choir".
Waiting for the Befana with Epiphany-themed proposals, music and gastronomy.
At the Casa della Salute painting exhibition by Delfo Baccon.
Saturday, November 9 at 04:30 pm at Fassino cinema "Kripton" by Francesco Munzi, a film that explores the lives of six …
At 09:00 pm at the chapel of Sant'Antonio abate at Jouvenceaux "The Polive" - Police tribute. Sting and the Police's greatest hits …
Celebration of Blessed Cherubino in the church of San Giovanni.
On December 5 at 06:30 pm at Fassino cinema "5 Volte Alice", an interactive performance dedicated to the theme of diversity and …
On Saturday, December 7 "Let's light up Christmas".
At 09:00 pm at campetto Clotes Torchlight procession of ski instructors with music and fireworks display.
Albertino leggenda della dance italiana infiamma la consolle dell’Harald’s con il suo carisma unico e il sound inconfondibile di Radiom2o e …
On Friday, January 3 at 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste – Foyer meeting with Lorenzo Pregliasco.
At 10:00 am at the Couloir Shop - Sansicario SAFETY DAY - Free snow safety day.
Photo exhibition "Jazz... e non solo" by Gianni Pino at the Casa della Salute.
Saturday, November 9 at 08:45 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste "Theatrical triptych".
The children of the Oulx schools celebrate Christmas with carols in Piazza Garambois at 12:30.
At 05:30 pm at the playground Sauze Project ski school event open to all.
La Biblioteca Civica di Bardonecchia organizza la TOMBOLA LETTERARIA per sabato 28 dicembre.
Sunday, November 10 at 04:00 pm and at 06:00 pm at the Planetary "The Golden Age - Liutprand and the …
Photo exhibition "Jazz... e non solo" by Gianni Pino at the Casa della Salute.
L’associazione Agricola turistica Beaulard organizza nell’ex scuola elementare di Via delle Scuole a Beaulard il tradizionale Mercatino di Natale con …
At 09:00 pm at the start of the Jouvenceaux chairlift, torchlight procession of ski instructors with musical entertainment.
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation …
L’associazione Agricola turistica Beaulard organizza nell’ex scuola elementare di Via delle Scuole a Beaulard il tradizionale Mercatino di Natale con …
Feast of Sant'Abaco.
On Sunday, February 2 at 05:00 pm at the multipurpose center in Bussoleno Quba Libre Trio in concert.
Friday, November 8 at 09:00 pm at Enrico De' Bartolomei city library presentation of the book by Gianni Oliva "Il pendio dei …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation …
Saturday, November 9 at 04:00 pm at "Enrico De' Bartolomei" city library presentation of the book "Math Outside the Rules: A …
Saturday, November 23 at 04:30 pm at Enrico De' Bartolomei city library presentation of the book "Stories of young Made in …
Orientation fair in Susa, Saturday, November 16 from 10:00 am to 04:00 pm at Bartolomeo Giuliano middle school.
International Gathering of Vintage Skiers Special 90 years of the Municipality of Sestriere.
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
Conference "The Moncenisio Trout: historical and naturalistic heritage" in Moncenisio at Le Terre al Confine ecomuseum on Saturday, November 9 at …
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
L’associazione Agricola turistica Beaulard organizza nell’ex scuola elementare di Via delle Scuole a Beaulard il tradizionale Mercatino di Natale con …
Guided tours to ex dinamitificio Nobel museum every second Sunday of the month at 10:30 am.
Al cinema Fassino ore 18:30 e 21:15 film "Il tempo che ci vuole".
The traditional “Ski Instructors’ Torchlight Procession” returns from 8:30 pm on the slopes at Colle del Sestriere.
On Saturday, January 18 at Fassino cinema at 06:00 pm and at 09:15 pm "Berlinguer La grande Ambizione" with Elio Germano.
On Saturday, November 9 at Robinson park at 03:00 pm meeting of restitution to the citizenship of the youth of …
On Sunday, November 10 at noon ceremony naming the churchyard of the church of Santo Stefano after Don Ettore Giorda.
Saturday, November 16 at via del Forno Comunale from 01:00 pm inauguration and "Open door oven".
The 22nd edition of the “The apple and its surroundings” exhibition, which has long been part of the GustoValsusa circuit, …
At the Preceptory of Sant’Antonio di Ranverso on Sunday, November 17 at 03:30 pm "Glimpses of life, history and nature", meeting …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
Have you ever tried using the tools used in prehistory? Do you know how to light a fire by rubbing …
Have you ever tried using the tools used in prehistory? Do you know how to light a fire by rubbing …
Series of free training meetings dedicated to traders and artisans with activities in Bardonecchia, Oulx, Salbertrand, Exilles, Chiomonte, Gravere, Meana …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
Saturday, November 9 at 04:00 pm at the City Library "Digital-menti".
Special appointment at the Fassino cinema theatre with the film “The Boy with the Pink Pants”: the film takes its …
Stroke Prevention Days in Almese on November 16 at Magnetto theater and in Caselette on November 16 at the municipal clinic.
Stroke Prevention Days on November 30 in Buttigliera Alta at the town hall.
At the council hall in Oulx at 03:30 pm conference by the park ranger Luca Giunti "How many are there? How …
On November 20 in Salbertrand at the headquarter of the Gran Bosco natural park from 08:45 pm at 10:45 pm an …
Avigliana remembers the figure of Don Balbiano the Venerable 140 years after his death with a celebratory Mass on November …
Throughout the month of November, the Primo Levi Civic Library in Avigliana will also tell the public about the role …
Throughout the month of November, the Primo Levi Civic Library in Avigliana will also tell the public about the role …
The Prehistoric Laboratory Museum of Vaie awaits you with 4 Sunday appointments, the last Sunday of the month, dedicated to …
Throughout the month of November, the Primo Levi Civic Library in Avigliana will also tell the public about the role …
At 09:00 pm at the chapel of Sant'Antonio abate at Jouvenceaux Bacciolo - Cappellino duo.
Every Monday in November at 11 am there are extraordinary special guided tours of the Sacra di San Michele: in …
At Garambois square Letter to Santa Claus and Face Painting, snack with Panettone.
Series of free training meetings dedicated to traders and artisans with activities in Bardonecchia, Oulx, Salbertrand, Exilles, Chiomonte, Gravere, Meana …
The Prehistoric Laboratory Museum of Vaie awaits you with 4 Sunday appointments, the last Sunday of the month, dedicated to …
Borgata Bertassi and the spirit of Christmas: come visit us at Bertassi on Saturday mornings of December 14 and 21! …
Second edition of the Passeggiata tra i Piloni d’artista, an autumn walk among nature, history, art and faith.
Every Monday in November at 11 am there are extraordinary special guided tours of the Sacra di San Michele: in …
Santa Claus will be present in the streets and shops of Oulx to collect Christmas letters.
At Primo Levi city library at 10:30 am a meeting for the very young and their parents with the perinatal educator …
At Fassino cinema “Fiore mio" movie at 06:30 pm and at 09:15 pm.
At the Palazzo delle Feste "Bardomont. Festival of the mountain": conferences, exhibitions, concerts.
L’Associazione Ana Alta Valle di Susa offre i tradizionali goffre alla residenza per anziani Casa Nazareth di Oulx dalle 14:30.
Ceramics workshop: 6 meetings to lay the foundations on how to work clay and obtain ceramic objects.
"Parluma a moda d'Rübiana". Daily life, traditions and celebrations, on Saturday, December 7 at 04:00 pm at Don Ariosto Re hall.
Ceramics workshop: 6 meetings to lay the foundations on how to work clay and obtain ceramic objects.
Series of free training meetings dedicated to traders and artisans with activities in Bardonecchia, Oulx, Salbertrand, Exilles, Chiomonte, Gravere, Meana …
Ceramics workshop: 6 meetings to lay the foundations on how to work clay and obtain ceramic objects.
Progetto di Promozione della Salute: "Oulx: in arte salus", in collaborazione con la Pubblica Assistenza, che alle 9:30 organizza un …
At 02:00 pm at the swimming pool the synchronized swimming team of Caluso, silver at the national championships and regional …
Borgata Bertassi and the spirit of Christmas: come visit us at Bertassi on Saturday mornings of December 14 and 21! …
Series of free training meetings dedicated to traders and artisans with activities in Bardonecchia, Oulx, Salbertrand, Exilles, Chiomonte, Gravere, Meana …
Appointments with Santa's elves for many fun activities at the Alveare Verde park in Avigliana, at Santa's house.
End of Community Social Theater Workshop Party at 02:30 pm at the Casa della Salute.
Appointments with Santa's elves for many fun activities at the Alveare Verde park in Avigliana, at Santa's house.
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
The Missionary Group 10051 organizes the Christmas Market where you can find handmade solidarity gifts.
Invitation to the Opera "Don Giovanni" at 09:00 pm at the Casa delle Culture in Oulx.
Discovering EcoPresepi in Avigliana: more than 70 nativity scenes to discover, independently and with special guided visits.
Discovering EcoPresepi in Avigliana: more than 70 nativity scenes to discover, independently and with special guided visits.
Discovering EcoPresepi in Avigliana: more than 70 nativity scenes to discover, independently and with special guided visits.
"DanzeFragranze" free expressive movement workshop with Monica Re at 01:30 pm at the Casa della Salute.
Experience the emotions with Luca from GuideValsusa.
At the Ricetto per l’Arte – Agorà della Valsusa interactive art exhibition “IO LUPO… shared paths between art and nature”.
The …
Experience the emotions with Luca from GuideValsusa.
Experience the emotions with Luca from GuideValsusa.
At the Ricetto per l’Arte – Agorà della Valsusa interactive art exhibition “IO LUPO… shared paths between art and nature”.
The …
Food and wine event with the “Gusto in Quota” review. This evening we will talk and taste “Baked goods and …
Presentation of the book by Renata Freccero "Gli occhi di Modì – Parigi Anni Venti" at 06:00 pm at the tourist …
Aperitif with the specialist. Dedicated meetings to provide useful information to live better and… gain years of life while staying …
At the Ricetto per l’Arte – Agorà della Valsusa interactive art exhibition “IO LUPO… shared paths between art and nature”.
The …
At 05:30 pm at the tourist office "Clean Alp - Of mountains, wonders and underwear".
The big news for the 2024-2025 season at the “Colle” is the fact that Alpine skiing will no longer be …
From 02:00 pm Christmas appointment for all those who participate in the Casa Mistral community center and from 04:30 pm open doors …
At 05:30 pm at the tourist office "Clean Alp - Of mountains, wonders and underwear".
Special Olympics World Championships. The races will be held on the Vialattea slopes at Colle del Sestriere in the area …
Inauguration of the painting exhibition "Ma Se So colorare in libertà" by the artists Martina Pili, Serena Zanardo and Sokona Souare …
On Saturday, March 15 on the occasion of women's day, themed visit: excursus on the working conditions of women through the events …
Painting exhibition "Ma Se So colorare in libertà" by the artists Martina Pili, Serena Zanardo and Sokona Souare at the Casa …
Painting exhibition "Ma Se So colorare in libertà" by the artists Martina Pili, Serena Zanardo and Sokona Souare at the Casa …
Painting exhibition "Ma Se So colorare in libertà" by the artists Martina Pili, Serena Zanardo and Sokona Souare at the Casa …
Painting exhibition "Ma Se So colorare in libertà" by the artists Martina Pili, Serena Zanardo and Sokona Souare at the Casa …
Painting exhibition "Ma Se So colorare in libertà" by the artists Martina Pili, Serena Zanardo and Sokona Souare at the Casa …
At the Casa delle Culture at 09:00 pm meeting entitled "Invitation to the opera" with the expert Vittorio Borrelli who will talk …
On Saturday, December 21 at 09:00 pm "Christmas Magic". Participants will be able to watch the performance of a characteristic animated …
Open day of the team Dragonesse of Avigliana: Dragonesse Avigliana is a social promotion association established mainly for the purpose …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation of possible …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation of possible …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
On Friday, March 21 from 02:30 pm to 06:00 pm the first day of "Lionabile" in Sauze d'Oulx.
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation of possible …
From December 15 to January 6 at the castle of Adelaide "Dialogue between Masters" exhibition, that offers an unmissable opportunity to …
The illustrator... of thoughts Roberta Amprino presents her works "A little bit of me a little bit of you" at …
Seminar: snow, avalanches and safety in snowy environments. Preparatory to the subsequent phases of practical training in self-rescue in avalanches …
From December 15 to January 6 at the castle of Adelaide "Dialogue between Masters" exhibition, that offers an unmissable opportunity to …
From December 15 to January 6 at the castle of Adelaide "Dialogue between Masters" exhibition, that offers an unmissable opportunity to …
From December 15 to January 6 at the castle of Adelaide "Dialogue between Masters" exhibition, that offers an unmissable opportunity to …
At the city library at 10:30 am Befana readings for children 3-10 years old with Alessandra Biglietti.
A pleasant moment to exchange advice and feelings regarding new and old books and Christmas greetings. The librarians will dedicate …
Traces of Taste exhibition. 70 years of journey between innovation and tradition of Pasticceria Ugetti.
We follow the Star through the streets of the town to the sound of bagpipes.
St. Peter's ancient cemetery is open every Sunday from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm.
From December 26 to 29 in Bardonecchia, at the Palazzetto dello Sport, the large judo training ground.
Friday, December 27 at 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste – foyer presentation of the book by Beppe Gandolfo “2024 Un …
Arrival in Piazza Fraiteve of the Torch of Knowledge FISU Games 2025.
On December 26 from 04:00 pm to 08:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste Valsusa Emozioni da Bere – Winter edition.
Ski mountaineering crossing Claviere - Colletto Verde from Monginevro - Val Gimond - Claviere.
On Sunday, March 16 Patronal feast of Sant'Eldrado. At 10:15 am the procession with the reliquary urn will start from the parish …
Aperitif with the specialist. Dedicated meetings to provide useful information to live better and… gain years of life while staying …
Aperitif with the specialist. Dedicated meetings to provide useful information to live better and… gain years of life while staying …
On Wednesday, March 19 at 09:00 pm at Magnetto theater "I have never had peace. The figure of Peppino Impastato …
27th Rallye Monte-Carlo Historique. Passage at Colle del Sestriere of the precious cars registered for the international event.
Food and wine event with the “Gusto in Quota” review. This evening we will talk and taste “Baked goods and …
Christmas holidays also at the Fassino cinema with films for adults and children
“Nativity scenes from around the world on display” by Liliana Novo and other exhibitors and a photographic exhibition from the …
“Nativity scenes from around the world on display” by Liliana Novo and other exhibitors and a photographic exhibition from the …
On Friday, March 14 at 05:30 pm at Silvano Giai hall at La Credenza in Bussoleno presentation of the book "Ospiti" by …
“Nativity scenes from around the world on display” by Liliana Novo and other exhibitors and a photographic exhibition from the …
Patronal feast of San Sebastiano.
Patronal feast of San Vincenzo.
“Nativity scenes from around the world on display” by Liliana Novo and other exhibitors and a photographic exhibition from the …
The event "Rediscovering the Statio Ad Fines - Open-door Archaeology Day" will begin at 3 pm with a guided tour …
On Friday, March 21 at the cinema in Condove "Drops of Change: Water Management in Protected Areas".
St. Peter's ancient cemetery is open every Sunday from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm.
The illustrator... of thoughts Roberta Amprino presents her works "A little bit of me a little bit of you" at …
St. Peter's ancient cemetery is open every Sunday from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm.
L’associazione Agricola turistica Beaulard organizza nell’ex scuola elementare di Via delle Scuole a Beaulard il tradizionale Mercatino di Natale con …
At 09:00 pm at the council hall "K2 1909-2024 - Emozioni di un'impresa" with Matteo and Pietro Sella.
Of mountains, wonders and “underwear”. Informative meeting between photos, videos, objects and stories at 05:30 pm at the tourist office.
Personal exhibition “Mountain and territory” by Massimo Rasero from December 30 to January 5 from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm and …
Of mountains, wonders and “underwear”. Informative meeting between photos, videos, objects and stories at 05:30 pm at the tourist office.
At 05:30 pm at the conferences hall of the tourist office "Clean Alp - Of mountains, wonders and underwear".
At Umberto Benappi art gallery "Sulla Materia" exhibition, works by the painter Emilio Vedova and the sculptor Arcangelo Sassolino, on display in Sansicario …
At 09:00 pm at Formont hall Cesana in Black and White, a journey through images between the 19th and 20th …
At the Proloco hall personal exhibition by Mariano Carrara “Antology 3”.
Il grande presepe, alto circa 1,50 metri per 2,30 metri, con il mondo dipinto in blu su legno, dove Anja …
Il corpo di ballo Klassic Akademy, già celebre agli occhi del pubblico bardonecchiese, si prepara ad inaugurare la Stagione SCENA …
La fiaccola del sapere progettata dagli studenti del reparto di design del Politecnico di Torino dopo aver girato tutto il …
Saranno i nostri amati Sherlock Holmes e Watson a risolvere il caso, districandosi tra situazioni paradossali e continui colpi di …
Sunday, January 5 at 09:00 pm at the multipurpose center traditional Epiphany concert with Banda musicale Alta Valle Susa.
On Saturday, January 18 at 09:00 pm in Salbertrand at the headquarter of the Cottian Alps Parks thematic meeting with the …
On Sunday, January 5 at 05:00 pm and at 09:00 pm at the multipurpose center "Nobel un premio esplosivo" by …
On Friday, January 3 at 06:00 pm at Scatto Matto in Sauze d'Oulx presentation of the book “Giuliano Besson: il ragazzo …
On Friday, January 3 at 05:30 pm at the castle of Adelaide presentation if the book "Tino Aime: Un talismano per …
On Monday, January 6 at 03:30 pm an afternoon dedicated to adults and children with "Arriva la Befana al Castello".
At Sansipario cinema in Sansicario Alto at 09:00 pm "The quiet girl".
On January 2 at 04:00 pm at the City Library presentation of the book by Giuseppe Mazzà “Alzo gli occhi ai …
On January 2 at 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste - Foyer presentation of the book by Gianni Oliva “Il pendio …
On Friday, January 3 at 04:00 pm at the City Library Migration Stories. Reading.
On Friday, January 3 at 09:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste - Viglione hall "Rossini and the barber". Show written …
On Saturday, January 4 at 04:30 pm at the City Library Waiting for the arrival of the beloved old lady. Readings …
On Saturday, January 4 at 05:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste – Foyer Presentation of the book “L’equivoco del sangue” by Giorgio …
On Saturday, January 4 at 09:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste – Foyer A compendium of cultured tradition, jazz and “nuevo …
On Sunday, January 5 at 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste – foyer presentation of the book by Paola Zoppi …
On Sunday, January 5 at 09:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste - Viglione hall "Beauty and the Beast & Other …
On March, Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 the 33rd edition of the FAI Spring Days will take place, an event …
Il grande presepe, alto circa 1,50 metri per 2,30 metri, con il mondo dipinto in blu su legno, dove Anja …
On Friday, April 4 at 05:00 pm on the terrace of the municipality music show with the groupe Chat Berton.
Il Cinema Fassino offre una programmazione cinematografica per tutti in questi primi giorni del 2025.
Guided tours to ex dinamitificio Nobel museum every second Sunday of the month at 10:30 am.
At the gym of the Fabrica from 10:00 am to 11:30 am wellness movement path between art and nature with a …
On Friday, April 4 from 04:00 pm to 06:00 pm basket weaving course for kids 8-16 years old in Salbertrand, …
At the gym of the Fabrica from 10:00 am to 11:30 am wellness movement path between art and nature with a …
Experience the emotions with Luca from GuideValsusa.
From January 11 to February 9 at the Palazzo delle Feste from 02:30 pm to 05:30 pm "The emptiness that welcomes" …
Two days before the start of the Turin 2025 World University Games, the event that will see the kids as …
On Saturday, January 18 at 05:00 pm at Campo Smith BardoLesa.
On Wednesday, January 8 at 05:00 pm at the City Library "At tea time". The book of the month is "The …
The illustrator... of thoughts Roberta Amprino presents her works "A little bit of me a little bit of you" at …
St. Peter's ancient cemetery is open every Sunday from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm.
St. Peter's ancient cemetery is open every Sunday from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm.
The illustrator... of thoughts Roberta Amprino presents her works "A little bit of me a little bit of you" at …
At the gym of the Fabrica from 10:00 am to 11:30 am wellness movement path between art and nature with a …
At the gym of the Fabrica from 10:00 am to 11:30 am wellness movement path between art and nature with a …
At the gym of the Fabrica from 10:00 am to 11:30 am wellness movement path between art and nature with a …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation of possible …
The illustrator... of thoughts Roberta Amprino presents her works "A little bit of me a little bit of you" at …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation of possible …
The second edition of the Saint Patrick’s night with beer, music, dances, food and games at the Ex Dinamitificio Nobel.
On Saturday, January 11 at the Cels Club, Exilles, music show with Ludovico Sanmartino e la sua Band. Stories from the mountains …
For the feast of Sant’Antonio Abate, the protector of animals, the Preceptory of Ranverso organizes a day, between sacred and …
On January 30 at 09:00 pm at the Cav. Magnetto theater “Buffoni all’Inferno” by Stivalaccio Teatro.
Sauze d’Oulx is colored orange again this year! A whole week of skiing and music dedicated to Dutch guests and …
Tea Time Concert 24th edition "Music is the harmony of the soul": on Sunday, January 19 at 05:00 pm Li Lingtong, …
At Fassino cinema in Avigliana "Monte Corno".
Experience the emotions with Luca from GuideValsusa.
On Wednesday, January 15 at the council hall at 09:00 pm first appointment of a series of five meetings to learn …
On March 27 at 07:00 pm at Il Ponte presentation of the book and the project for the children of …
From January 16 to February 20 every Thursday from 05:30 pm to 07:00 pm in Oulx at Casa Mistral French Course with Agnes …
Regional Criterium Puppies on Friday, March 21 and Saturday, March 22 at Melezet in Bardonecchia.
On Saturday, March 29 at 09:00 pm at Fassino theater "The time of the cathedrals" musical. The show is inspired by …
From January 16 to February 20 every Thursday from 05:30 pm to 07:00 pm in Oulx at Casa Mistral French Course with Agnes …
From January 16 to February 20 every Thursday from 05:30 pm to 07:00 pm in Oulx at Casa Mistral French Course with Agnes …
From January 16 to February 20 every Thursday from 05:30 pm to 07:00 pm in Oulx at Casa Mistral French Course with Agnes …
From January 16 to February 20 every Thursday from 05:30 pm to 07:00 pm in Oulx at Casa Mistral French Course with Agnes …
From January 16 to February 20 every Thursday from 05:30 pm to 07:00 pm in Oulx at Casa Mistral French Course with Agnes …
On Saturday, January 18 at 05:00 pm in Bardonecchia at the City Library presentation of the cahier n°32 by the Colombano Romean …
On February 20 at 09:00 pm at the Cav. Magnetto theater “Happy Days” by Stefano Santomauro, a hilarious, light and profound, cynical and …
On Sunday, February 9 at 09:00 pm at the multipurpose center in Meana di Susa Tèrras autas d'Occitania, music show by Tres …
At 06:00 pm at Clotes Carnival Parade. Music, bugie and hot chocolate for all at III Reggimento Alpini square.
"Parco della Dora" hiking.
On Wednesday, January 29 at the council hall at 09:00 pm appointment of a series of five meetings to learn …
On Friday, February 21 at the Sicheri hall at 09:00 pm "Alpine landscape and high altitude flora", meeting with Debora Barolin …
From alpine skiing to cross-country skiing, through curling, freeskiing, hockey, ice speed skating, snowboarding, figure skating and biathlon, and, in …
On Saturday, January 25 at 04:00 pm at "E. De' Bartolomei" city library screening of the documentary "Memory Sculptures" - The war does …
On Friday, January 17 at 08:30 pm at D. Bertotto auditorium presentation of the book "Diego gioga nen cun al …
3th edition of Stravigliana: 9.8 km competitive, non-competitive and recreational motor race. Youth races inside the Alveare Verde Park.
On Friday, March 21 at 05:30 pm at Sabrina cinema reading of the names and screening of the film “Liberi di …
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
On Wednesday, March 19 at 06:00 pm at Panassi library presentation of the book by Nazareno Maiolo "La coscienza di Reno".
"Pennsylvania. La vita, la storia, il destino". On Saturday, March 22 at 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste presentation of …
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
From January 31st to February 2nd, Mompantero comes alive with one of the most anticipated events of the year! Three …
The 2025 edition of the Giro d'Italia sees Sestriere as the finish line of the penultimate stage, on May 31, …
On Wednesday, January 22 at 09:00 pm at the council hall "Ski mountaineering Lyngen Alps - Norway" with Paolo Manenti.
On Saturday, January 25 at 04:00 pm at the council hall Special Remembrance Day with the historical literary meeting "The Dreyfus …
Meeting for new mothers with Lorena Frusteri and the infant massage at 01:30 pm at the Casa della Salute.
On Saturday, February 1 at 09:00 pm at the G.B. Vallory parish theater in Rubiana theatral show "The Friend Found Again" taken …
On Saturday, January 18 at 09:00 pm at Magnetto auditorium in Almese "Grammamanti" with Vera Gheno.
On Saturday, February 8 at 06:00 pm at the Enrico De' Bartolomei city library in Susa "Books speak to us" with …
On Sunday, February 9 at 04:00 pm at Fassino theater in Avigliana "A clown adrift" by and with Giacomino Pinolo.
On Sunday, February 16 at 10:30 am in Novaretto, Caprie literary walk with Marta Aidala.
On Sunday, February 23 at 09:00 pm at Fassino theater "Il sogno di una cosa".
Il primo talent letterario itinerante dedicato agli aspiranti scrittori quest’anno compie 10 anni. La tappa di Bardonecchia è in programma …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
The Digital Facilitation project in collaboration with ASL To3 Poliambulatorio di Oulx offers three free training sessions on digital public …
Literary walk with Valeria Tron at 02:00 pm from the Venaus stadium.
The Digital Facilitation project in collaboration with ASL To3 Poliambulatorio di Oulx offers three free training sessions on digital public …
The Digital Facilitation project in collaboration with ASL To3 Poliambulatorio di Oulx offers three free training sessions on digital public …
On Thursday, January 23 at 06:00 pm in Villar Focchiardo, council hall, presentation of the booklet n°32 of the Colombano Romean Ecomuseum Arcadia …
On January 30 at 08:45 pm at the council hall in Almese meeting about presentation of an innovative model of …
On Saturday, February 15 at 05:00 pm at the library presentation of the book "Quello che voi dite patuà" by …
On Saturday, January 25 at 05:00 pm at the multipurpose center "La muzica qu’i vìnt dal ròchës - Music that comes …
On Thursday, February 20 in Sant'Antonino di Susa at the council hall Thematic Meeting with the Park Ranger Luca Giunti "Wolves don't howl at …
On Thursday, March 20 at 09:00 pm in Sant'Antonino di Susa at the council hall thematic meeting with the park ranger Luca Giunti …
On Sunday, January 26 at the “D. Bertotto” auditorium in Avigliana at 05:00 pm second appointment with the XXIV edition of the …
On Saturday, January 25 at 04:00 pm at Waikiki restaurant Marco Lavezzo (ANC) will hold a seminar on meteorology, particularly focused …
On Thursday, January 23 at 09:00 pm in the Yoga room of the Sentieri di Armonia association, free meeting to …
2-hour Kizomba course with multiple World Champion Valentino Esposito in the middle school gym at 09:00 pm.
On Saturday, January 25 at 03:00 pm at the Casa della Salute opening of the exhibition "Scorci d'acqua" by Erica Catapane.
At the Casa della Salute exhibition "Scorci d'acqua" by Erica Catapane.
At Fassino cinema "L’abbaglio" and "Me contro te, cattivissimi a Natale".
On Saturday, March 29 at 09:00 pm in Sauze d'Oulx, church of San Giovanni Battista, Minima Floralia popular concert by Cecilia Lasagno and Paola …
St. Peter's ancient cemetery is open every Sunday from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm.
The first dedicated festival arrives for a historic local product. A first appointment on March 21 at 9 pm at …
At the Casa della Salute exhibition "Scorci d'acqua" by Erica Catapane.
At the Casa della Salute exhibition "Scorci d'acqua" by Erica Catapane.
At the Casa della Salute exhibition "Scorci d'acqua" by Erica Catapane.
At the Casa della Salute exhibition "Scorci d'acqua" by Erica Catapane.
On Sunday, January 26 at 03:30 pm at the Casa delle Culture in Oulx, as part of the Day of Remembrance, meeting with …
On Wednesday, January 29 at 09:00 pm at the Casa delle Culture "Invitation to the Opera - Elisir d'Amore".
On Wednesday, January 29 at 08:45 pm at Daniele Bertotto auditorium conference "Who needs an architecture that does not mortify diversity?".
On Friday, April 4 at 09:00 pm in Sestriere, at the cinema Io vado poi in Fransa theathral show.
On March 20 at 09:00 pm at the Cav. Magnetto theater “Nives”, a show based on the novel of the same name by …
On January 23 at 08:45 pm at the City Library in Condove meeting about presentation of an innovative model of …
On April 3 at 09:00 pm at the Cav. Magnetto theater Roberto Mercadini, a well-known writer with a large following on YouTube and …
On April 10 at 09:00 pm at the Cav. Magnetto theater Chiara Francini in “Forte e Chiara”, a one woman show in which she …
On February 6 at 08:45 pm at the multipurpose center in San Giorio meeting about presentation of an innovative model …
On Saturday, April 5 Willow basket weaving course (basic) for adults in Salbertrand, headquarter of Gran Bosco natural park with Esteve Anghilante.
On February 13 at 08:45 pm at the council hall in Mompantero meeting about presentation of an innovative model of …
On February 20 at 08:45 pm at the council hall in Avigliana meeting about presentation of an innovative model of …
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
St. Peter's ancient cemetery is open every Sunday from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm.
On Saturday, April 5 at 09:00 pm in Villar Focchiardo, at the multipurpose center, traditional music concert by Parenaperde, with the participation of …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation of possible …
On the day of Candlemas, the feast of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple which falls exactly 40 days …
On Saturday, February 1 on the snows of Bardonecchia a Ski Trophy open to members, to Carabinieri in service and to …
On Saturday, February 8 at 09:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste Vocal excess in concert.
On Saturday, March 1 at 09:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste MI METTO IN BOLLA with Davide Rivoira with Giacomino …
From 10:30 am to 01:00 pm at the castle of Adelaide Remembrance Day. Commemoration of the victims of the Holocaust.
On Sunday, April 6 in Exilles Willow basket weaving course (advanced) for adults at the Amici Cels association with Esteve Anghilante.
On Saturday, February 1 at 03:00 pm at the City Library in Giaglione on the occasion of the Fora l'Ours festival …
On Saturday, February 1 at 05:00 pm at the city library "Other People's House" scenic tale by Silvio D'Arzo with Matteo Agnes, …
On Sunday, April 6 at 04:00 pm in Moncenisio, Le Terre al Confine ecomuseum, thematic meeting "Armed dances".
On Sunday, February 2 at the “D. Bertotto” auditorium in Avigliana at 05:00 pm third appointment with the XXIV edition of the …
On Saturday, February 8 at 09:00 pm at the church of Santa Caterina in Chiomonte presentation of the Cahier number …
On Saturday, February 8 in Condove, at the cinema hall, musical theatre show in Franco-Provençal L’om qu’ou znavët lh’arbou with the theater group Li Magnoutoun.
On April 10 at 05:30 pm in Exilles, council hall, second appointment of a series of 12 meetings dedicated to …
On Saturday, February 8 at 03:00 pm at the City Library in Giaglione meeting dedicated to biographies of Valsusian characters.
On Wednesday, February 12 at 09:00 pm in San Giorio di Susa at the council hall conference "Vultures and Alpine …
On April 3 at 05:30 pm in Chiomonte, church of Santa Caterina, first appointment of a series of 12 meetings dedicated …
On Saturday, February 15 in Sant'Antonino di Susa at the gym of the middle school at 05:00 pm Courente of Valli di …
On Saturday, February 15 at 09:00 pm in the hall of the Tonelli senior center in Meana di Susa thematic meeting …
From January 26 to February 2 Journalists from all over the world are ready to challenge each other on the ski …
On February 1 and 2 from 09:00 am at Campo Smith 105XMASTERS WINTER TOUR RADIO 105.
"Siamo Liberi" is an exhibition of drawings by Gustavo Meltzeid, artist and teacher of painting and sculpture, made in the …
On Saturday, April 12 in Oulx visit to the Soubras hamlet... as if it were 1900.
"Siamo Liberi" is an exhibition of drawings by Gustavo Meltzeid, artist and teacher of painting and sculpture, made in the …
At 05:30 pm at Primo Levi city library presentation of the book by Gustavo Meltzeid “Siamo liberi!”.
From February 15 to March 5 from 02:30 pm to 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste "I Sussurri del colore", …
On Sunday, February 9 at the “D. Bertotto” auditorium in Avigliana at 05:00 pm the penultimate appointment with the XXIV edition of the …
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
42th Golden Egg Trophy. International ski race for young people.
On April 17 at 05:30 pm in Oulx, ex school at Beaulard, third appointment of a series of 12 meetings …
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
Dum spiro spero (as long as I breathe I hope), a show by Ij Camòlà theater company at 09:00 pm at Fassino …
THE STRENGTH OF WOMEN... Exhibition by Nadia Tria. Portraits that reveal all the delicacy and strength that distinguish the female …
St. Peter's ancient cemetery is open every Sunday from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm.
St. Peter's ancient cemetery is open every Sunday from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm.
On Saturday, February 8 at 05:00 pm at the multipurpose center in Mompantero a course dedicated to the dances of San …
St. Peter's ancient cemetery is open every Sunday from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm.
"La natura nemica" painting exhibition by Raffaele Iovine from March 16 to April 5 at the Palazzo delle Feste – foyer.
St. Peter's ancient cemetery is open every Sunday from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm.
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
On March 20 at 04:00 pm at the City Library reading group.
St. Peter's ancient cemetery is open every Sunday from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm.
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation of possible …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
In Susa the headquarters and the Observatory of the Associazione Astrofili Segusini – at the Castello della Contessa Adelaide (with …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation of possible …
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Diocesan Cultural Centre of Susa, on Saturday 12th …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation of possible …
On Saturday, March 29 from 03:00 pm to 06:30 pm Theatrical Grand Tour of the Castle and Villages of Avigliana.
At "Enrico De' Bartolomei" city library, conferences hall, on Friday, March 28 at 05:30 pm "Artificial Intelligence for Everyone: Let's Discover …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation of possible …
On Friday, February 14 at 09:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste in Bardonecchia Finas Raïtz, songs in native language from …
On Saturday, June 28 at 09:30 pm at the Roman arena in Susa Diodato in concert.
On Sunday, March 2 at 10:30 am at the City Library Carnival readings for children 3-10 years old with Alessandra.
On Friday, March 7 in Condove, at 09:00 pm at the Margherita Hack city library, presentation of the book by Ruggero Casse Cuor …
On Saturday, February 15 at 03:00 pm at the City Library in Giaglione meeting dedicated to "The Armed Dances" with Marco Rey.
On Saturday, February 8 at 06:00 pm at the Formont hall presentation of the book "2024 Un anno in Piemonte” …
Celebrations in honor of Saint Francis of Paola.
At the G.A. Levis art gallery, activities for adults, schools and families.
On the first weekend of April, the municipalities of Buttigliera Alta, Rosta and Avigliana and the Fondazione Ordine Mauriziano will …
On Saturday, March 29 at 05:00 pm at the City Library presentation of the book by Franco Bosio “Dizionario enciclopedico dei Rebus”.
At the G.A. Levis art gallery, activities for adults, schools and families.
At the G.A. Levis art gallery, activities for adults, schools and families.
Arrival in Piazza Fraiteve at Colle del Sestriere of the Special Olympics World Championship Torch.
At G. A. Levis art gallery "Discover Levis with the family". Laboratory activities for families with children aged 3 to 12 …
On Saturday, March 1th at 03:00 pm at the City Library in Giaglione screening of the documentary film "Ambin. The …
At G. A. Levis art gallery "Discover Levis with the family". Laboratory activities for families with children aged 3 to 12 …
On Saturday, February 15 at 06:00 pm at Scacco Matto bar in Sauze d'Oulx presentation of the book by Riccardo Humbert …
At 09:00 pm at Don Bunino thater "Stress!" theatral show.
At G. A. Levis art gallery "Discover Levis with the family". Laboratory activities for families with children aged 3 to 12 …
Meeting "20 years of friendship and poetry" with Rosalinda Osano and Maria Teresa Vivino at the Casa delle Culture at 03:30 pm.
At Fassino cinema on February 18 at 06:30 pm and at 09:15 pm "L'ultima spedizione" movie.
On Sunday, March 2 Carnival.
At the church of San Restituto on Saturday, February 15 at 06:00 pm Angelica Ceria String Quartet in concert.
Just The Woman I am. Meeting at 03:00 pm at XXV Aprile square.
Guided tours to ex dinamitificio Nobel museum every second Sunday of the month at 10:30 am.
On Saturday, March 1th in Oulx at 05:00 pm at the council hall film screening by Flavio Giacchero and Luca Percivalle Chant a …
Make up for children at San Sicario Alto from 09:00 am to 05:30 pm.
At Don Menzio Residential Health Care Facility a painting exhibition by Sonia Carella.
In February, special guided tours of the Sacra are held again, every Monday at 11 am: in addition to the …
At the library on March 27 at 05:30 pm "Artificial Intelligence for Everyone: Let's Discover It Together!" with Fausto Marzo.
In February, special guided tours of the Sacra are held again, every Monday at 11 am: in addition to the …
Permanent exhibition with finds from the Western Alps campaign of June 1940 which in the Susa Valley, between Bardonecchia and …
Dress up and ski with the Cesana Sansicario Ski and Snowboard School in San Sicario Alto.
In February, special guided tours of the Sacra are held again, every Monday at 11 am: in addition to the …
On Friday, February 28 from 02:00 pm Allegorical parade.
The festival will end on March 29 at the Teatro Don Bunino in Bussoleno, in collaboration with the local CAI …
At Fassino cinema on Sunday, March 9 at 06:30 pm and at 08:30 pm "FolleMente" movie.
In February, special guided tours of the Sacra are held again, every Monday at 11 am: in addition to the …
Special Valentine's Day "Love and music in Rubiana" on Friday, February 14 at 06:30 pm at "G.B. Vallory" parish theater.
CAMALEONTIKA theatre review in Almese.
With eight shows between December 14, 2024 and May 10, 2025 at the Magnetto …
A double meeting to reflect on the theme of Extinction. On Sunday, February 9 at 04:00 pm and at 06:00 …
Patronal celebrations in honor of San Biagio and Sant'Agata. Traditional event in which the Spadonari perform the Sword Dance and …
On Friday, March 28 at 09:00 pm at the gym of the Rege Moretto school in Sant’Antonino di Susa conference about Susa …
On Saturday, February 22 at 02:30 pm "Balandrana", Carnival parade for children and adults through the streets of the town with the …
On Sunday, March 30 walk between the villages from Sant’Antonino di Susa with start at piazza della Pace at 03:00 pm and …
At the multipurpose center at 09:00 pm "Il cortiletto", comedy in two parts by Gruppo Teatro Insieme di Susa.
Among the cultural traditions of the Condove mountains, in the lower Susa Valley, the Carnevale del Laietto is one of …
Marathon whose route winds along a stretch of the Via Francigena of the Susa Valley, a non-competitive recreational-motor walk.
The Ricetto per l’Arte – Agorà della Valsusa di Almese (Borgata San Mauro 9) offers a rich program of meetings …
On the occasion of the national cat day - February 17 at “Arte per Voi” gallery "Much more than four cats" …
On April 24 at 05:30 pm in Oulx, Casa delle Culture, 4th appointment of a series of 12 meetings dedicated …
The Ricetto per l’Arte – Agorà della Valsusa di Almese (Borgata San Mauro 9) offers a rich program of meetings …
On Sunday, February 16 in the Bishop's Hall inside the Sandro Fuga Civic Music Institute in Avigliana at 05:00 pm …
Cinema in Verticale is a festival dedicated to cinema, culture and mountain sports, born in 1999 as a preview of …
From March 15 to 29 the 9th edition of international art exhibition “Vette d’Arte”.
On Saturday, April 26 at 09:00 pm in Caprie, theater at frazione Novaretto, Europe square, La muzica qu’i vìnt dal ròchës - …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
On Friday, February 28 at 06:00 pm at Fraiteve cinema the screening of the film “Ambin, the rock and the feather” …
On Sunday, March 30 the 3th edition of the rallye "By 500 in Bruzolo". Meeting from 08:30 am at Martiri della …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
On Wednesday, March 26 at 08:45 pm at Bertotto auditorium "Why are we mobilizing? A fairer future and the fight …
The Civic Library “Giorgio Calcagno” of Almese proposes, in collaboration with the Municipality, the Unitre and the Valsusa Library System, …
On the occasion of the national cat day - February 17 at “Arte per Voi” gallery "Much more than four cats" …
On the occasion of the national cat day - February 17 at “Arte per Voi” gallery "Much more than four cats" …
On the occasion of the national cat day - February 17 at “Arte per Voi” gallery "Much more than four cats" …
On the occasion of the national cat day - February 17 at “Arte per Voi” gallery "Much more than four cats" …
On the occasion of the national cat day - February 17 at “Arte per Voi” gallery "Much more than four cats" …
On Saturday, March 29 at 04:00 pm "I Promessi Sposi e Piccolo Mondo Antico. La pace del lago, il tormento dei …
On the occasion of the national cat day - February 17 at “Arte per Voi” gallery "Much more than four cats" …
The Valsusa Filmfest, now in its 29th edition, opens its doors on Friday, March 28, kicking off a rich calendar …
On the occasion of the national cat day - February 17 at “Arte per Voi” gallery "Much more than four cats" …
On the occasion of the national cat day - February 17 at “Arte per Voi” gallery "Much more than four cats" …
Presentation of the walking groups on Saturday, February 15 at 04:30 pm at the council hall in Villar Dora.
On Saturday, February 22 at 05:00 pm at the castle of Adelaide in Susa "I hear the roar of the …
Presentation of the walking groups on Saturday, February 22 at 04:30 pm at the council hall in Almese.
On Saturday, February 15 at 06:00 pm at the Salone degli Alpini aperitif based on typical products and tasting of cheeses from …
On Sunday, February 23 at 05:00 pm in Sauze di Cesana, church of San Giacomo, Minima Floralia popular concert by Cecilia Lasagno and Paola …
On Wednesday, February 26 at 09:00 pm in San Giorio di Susa at the council hall conference "Between land and …
On Thursday, February 20 at 08:45 pm at the cinema “Le vie invisibili”.
After the organization of the World University Games that from January 13th to 23rd saw more than 600 athletes competing …
The Valsusa Filmfest, now in its 29th edition, opens its doors on Friday, March 28, kicking off a rich calendar …
On Thursday, February 27 at 08:45 pm at the Margherita Hack city library an event dedicated to the history of female …
On Saturday, February 22 at 03:00 pm at the City Library in Giaglione conference "Carnival: a still living melting pot …
In San Giorio di Susa at 05:00 pm at the multipurpose center a dance course dedicated to the dances of Sanfront …
On Monday, March 3 in Salbertrand at 09:00 pm at the headquarter of Gran Bosco natural park screening of the documentary …
On Saturday, March 1 from 02:30 pm to 04:30 pm at Pognante park children Carnival and at 08:30 pm night parade …
The 5th edition of the non-competitive walk/run with start at 10:00 am from Arsenio Favro square.
Exhibition of chocolate illustrations "Traces of taste" by the master of taste Franco Ugetti with watercolours on cocoa butter by …
Photo exhibition by Vittorio Palma "The invisible light. Valsusa dresses in infrared" from April 12 to May 4 at the Palazzo …
Exhibition of chocolate illustrations "Traces of taste" by the master of taste Franco Ugetti with watercolours on cocoa butter by …
The hidden muse. Women who inspired great painters. A story by Lucia Margherita Marino.
Exhibition of chocolate illustrations "Traces of taste" by the master of taste Franco Ugetti with watercolours on cocoa butter by …
On Sunday, April 20 at 09:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste "Chocolate Symphony".
Exhibition of chocolate illustrations "Traces of taste" by the master of taste Franco Ugetti with watercolours on cocoa butter by …
On Monday, April 21 at 09:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste "Another Odyssey".
Exhibition of chocolate illustrations "Traces of taste" by the master of taste Franco Ugetti with watercolours on cocoa butter by …
Traveling Voices. Migration Stories, Readings and Expressive Reading Workshop at the Casa delle Culture at 06:00 pm.
At the council hall at 05:00 pm presentation of the book by Bruno Zaro “Terra d’Istria. Un viaggio a piedi fra …
A colorful and fun Saturday! From 03:30 pm to 04:30 pm Super Game of the Goose* and then, from 5 pm, …
The Night of the Toads: guided tours through two routes: short route mostly on asphalt, a small part on wet meadows …
On Saturday, March 1 from 09:00 am to 06:00 pm at Daniele Bertotto auditorium "Post-theism" conference with don Sergio Messina.
The Night of the Toads: guided tours through two routes: short route mostly on asphalt, a small part on wet meadows …
On Saturday, March 1 at 08:45 pm at the cinema in Condove the director, photographer and mountaineer Gabriele Canu will …
On Saturday, February 22 inauguration of the Sentier8 with a walk on the path: start at 09:15 am from frazione San Giuseppe …
On Saturday, April 26 at 09:00 pm at Palazzo delle Feste "Amarcord".
On Saturday, March 8 at 09:00 pm at the council hall presentation of the cahier n.33 of the Ecomuseum Colombano Romean …
At Scacco Matto bar at 09:00 pm CAI Almese will tell the exciting experience on the Cordillera Blanca.
The Alpine Skiing World Cup will return to Sestriere on February, Friday 21, Saturday 22 and Sunday 23, with a …
PEACE & LOVE is the theme of the parade of the new edition of the Carnival of Almese and Villar …
As part of the carnival initiatives, on Saturday, February 22, at 09:00 pm in Milanere, the traditional lighting of the Carnival …
On Saturday, May 10 at 09:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste "Piano Solo".
On Friday, February 21 at 09:00 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste – foyer conference "The long shadow of Chaberton".
On Saturday, February 22 at 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste presentation of the book by Elena Biondo MALALUNA.
FIS Para Alpine Ski World Cup from February 25 to 27 on the ski slopes in Melezet.
Music, colors and lots of coriandoli for the Carnival in Bardonecchia!
On Saturday, March 1th at 05:30 pm at the Palazzo delle Feste presentation of the book by Rosella Vacchino DAL CIELO E …
At 06:00 pm from Genzianella square parade of allegorical floats through the streets of the town. At 06:30 pm at Garambois square big …
On Saturday, March 1 at 06:00 pm in Meana di Susa, Salone degli Alpini, aperitif based on typical products and tasting of …
At 06:30 pm and at 09:15 pm at Fassino cinema "Van Gogh - Poeti e amanti".
On Saturday, March 8 at 03:00 pm at the City Library in Giaglione in honor of Women's Day, presentation of …
On Sunday, March 9 in Mattie at 04:00 pm at the multipurpose center "Passages" theatral show: a show about the history …
On Friday, April 11 in Chiomonte, at 09:00 pm at the church of Santa Caterina, "Greetings to travellers", a music …
On Wednesday, March 12 at 09:00 pm in San Giorio di Susa at the council hall conference "Problematic fauna. Instructions …
On Saturday, March 15 at 03:00 pm at the City Library in Giaglione thematic meeting with the park ranger of the …
On Saturday, March 16 at 05:00 pm at Sicheri hall the musical group Tres Trad Lyre proposes the musical show Tèrras …
On Saturday, March 22 at 05:00 pm in Cesana Torinese, at the library, presentation of the book by Ruggero Casse "Cuor …
On Saturday, March 22 at 03:00 pm at the City Library in Giaglione thematic meeting dedicated to the rebirth of spring: …
On Saturday, March 22 in San Giorio di Susa, at 09:00 pm at the council hall, "Greetings to travellers", a …
On Saturday, March 29 at 03:00 pm in Giaglione accompaniment on an easy path, to discover the forest. Start from Cesdomeo.
On Saturday, March 29 in Chianocco at 09:00 pm at the Casaforte "I hear the roar of the cannon" music …
On Sunday, March 2 at 03:30 pm at the Ricetto per l’Arte – Agorà della Valsusa opening of the photo …
On Saturday, March 1 at 04:00 pm at the council hall "From Pride and Prejudice to... Persuasion" - Jane Austen …
From Barbara to Marta, from Margherita to Maddalena: on the occasion of International Women's Day, on Saturday 8 March a …
St. Peter's ancient cemetery is open every Sunday from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm.
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation of possible …
On Friday, March 14 at 09:00 pm at Fassino theater in Avigliana "Non è la storia di un eroe" by and with …
On Saturday, April 5 at 06:00 pm at Fassino theater presentation of the book "La memoria è il nostro futuro" with …
Wednesday, April 2 in Avigliana, Daniele Bertotto auditorium, "Aliens Among Us: Invasive Non-native Aquatic Species", a thematic meeting with park ranger Fabio …
Stroke Prevention Day in SANT'AMBROGIO at the council hall from 08:30 am to 12:00 pm.
Stroke Prevention Day in BARDONECCHIA at the Palazzo delle Feste from 09:00 am to 12:30 pm.
Just The Woman I Am returns to Bardonecchia! JTWIA is the event that since 2014, through a 5km run-walk open …
The Traversée des Rois Mages, now in its 17th edition, brings together hundreds of amateur ski mountaineers. From Valfréjus, in …
Big Carnival party on Monday, March 3 in Sestriere. At 2 pm the spectacular masked ski race on the Standard …
Galleria Umberto Benappi, with the creative support of Riccardo
Pietrantonio, presents in the “mountain” location of San Sicario Alto, the …
Carnival themed "The Simpsons". At 8:30 pm parade starting from Place Guiffre.
FSHD conference on the occasion of the awareness day on muscular dystrophy in the council room of Oulx at 6 …
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
At Fassino cinema on March 4 at 04:00 pm "Toys - Giocattoli alla riscossa" movie.
Guided tours to ex dinamitificio Nobel museum every second Sunday of the month at 10:30 am.
Il Comune di Avigliana ha aderito a Jtwia on the road proponendo un percorso cittadino senza barriere architettoniche e organizzando una camminata non competitiva che si …
At the Bertotto auditorium on March 6 at 05:00 pm presentation of the book "The stories I would like to …
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
St. Peter's ancient cemetery is open every Sunday from 10:00 am to 05:00 pm.
Fabulous Saturdays continue with the traditional library appointments for the little ones on Saturday mornings at 10:30.
On the occasion of International Women's Day, an exhibition of photographic portraits by Valeria Fioranti at the church of Santa Croce.
On the occasion of International Women's Day, an exhibition of photographic portraits by Valeria Fioranti at the church of Santa Croce.
At the Primo Levi city library at 10:30 am 3 meetings for new mothers and children from 0 to 1 year: a …
On the occasion of the 650th anniversary of the birth of Giacomo Jaquerio, the Preceptory of Sant’Antonio di Ranverso offers …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation of possible …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation of possible …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation of possible …
At the Levis art gallery A War Play by the artist Giulio Squillacciotti.
Squillacciotti's work, based on the investigation of possible …
On Sunday, March 2 at 03:30 pm at the Ricetto per l’Arte – Agorà della Valsusa opening of the photo …
The project "The Via Francigena in the Susa Valley" aims to enhance the cultural and landscape heritage of the Susa …
The project "What Memories for What Citizens?" is part of the ten projects funded by the 2017 call "Polo del …
The project funded by Fondazione CRT and Regione Piemonte involves various cultural entities and museums in the area, with the …
The project funded by the Compagnia di San Paolo involves various institutions and associations of the Susa Valley to promote …
The Valle Susa Treasures App is an innovative service created by Libre Società Cooperativa for tourists with smartphones and tablets. …
The project involves students from various institutions and a cooperative to create a game application themed around time travel, offering …
The project involves Gecart, the Cultural Association Asilo Bianco, and students from two high schools. The students are guided by …
The theater project involves various schools in the Susa Valley under the guidance of Marco Alotto. Thanks to the funding …
The enhancement project "Valle di Susa. Treasures of Alpine Art and Culture" has received funding from the Compagnia di San …
The European project "THETRIS" aims to develop a transnational thematic route of churches by involving the local community. It includes …
A project promoted by the Municipality of Venaus, in collaboration with the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts of Turin and …
The garden of the Third Paradise is the result of an inter-institutional collaboration in Exilles, involving various regional institutions. The …
Visite al cantiere della Cattedrale di San Giusto
In vista del millenario della Cattedrale di San Giusto di Susa, fondata …
Una guida che propone alcuni itinerari tematici sul territorio della valle di Susa.